Bathing in ice water, a balm for health

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4 years ago

The external action of cold water on the human body causes a general feedback in the form of stress. Depending on the strength and length of exposure to the effects of cold, stress can be strong and destructive or mild and activating. It is this short-term swimming in ice water that gives the activating stress that triggers the strengthening of the body's resistance. In addition to this, it also has an effect on detoxifying the body, improving circulation ... and in fact, bathing in cold water is the only way to exercise the elasticity of blood vessels, because the more elastic they are, the less problems we have with blood pressure. These are just some of the benefits, there are many

Preparations must last for months, even a year ... for a start, you can treat yourself to a warm and cold shower at the end of the shower at home. This hydrotherapy will work perfectly on your body and prepare it for bigger challenges - bathing in cold water. Cold water has a stimulating effect, and warm water relaxes. Together, they act like a pump that drives blood. When the body is exposed to cold water, the flow of circulation moves to the internal organs, and when the body is exposed to warm water, the circulation moves from the inside to the skin. By exposing the skin to hot and cold, you will make the circulation start, which is very important ... you will block possible blockages, blood clots and the like, but also improve detoxification and blood flow to all organs equally, improve circulation, lower blood pressure, reduce pain, reduce stress ...

I spent one December in Hungary. This is my brave swim in cold water at -5 degrees Celsius. A new, interesting and fun experience!

$ 0.93
$ 0.93 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Snezana28
4 years ago


Ja sam ti zimsko dete, i hladnoca mi nije problem.. Recimo, zimi se tusiram pored odskrinutog prozora, i to vise hladnom nego toplom vodom...Prvo, ne volim toplotu, drugo od tople vode skoci mi pritisak, srce pocne ko ludo da pumpa. Kad sam u hladnoj vodi ohladim telo do odredjene mere, pa kad udjem u toplu prostoriju mislim da u njoj ima 100 stepeni... Ljubitelj sam zime, snega i hladnog, dal to bila voda , vazduh ili sladoled...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hehehe :-) mene topla voda smlaati skroz, posle tusiranja obavezno se "prodrmam" hladnom vodom. Jedne godine Sam plivala I za casni krst :-)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

ne volim pretoplu vodu ali bogani ne volim ni ekstremno hladnu, ima to svojih prednosti ali cu ja nekako izdrzati da koracam i dalje kroz zivot bez njih

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I za to treba steći naviku. Neki će se stvarno prehladiti jer u glavi imaju to da će se prehladiti. Drugima neće ništa biti jer im je to stotinu prvo kupanje u hladnoj vodi.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Verujem ja da je zdravo, al neka hvala. Stvarno ne mogu da zamislim sebe ovak zimogrozivu kako se kupam ni u i prohladnoj, a kamo li u ledenoj vodi.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

He he,ja nisam zimogroživa.Kad svi u školi zamotani u zimskim jaknama drže časove ja se šetkam u nekoj bluzici .

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nemoj molim te, od same price mi je hladno :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A direktor kaže šta ste se umotali kao penzioneri pogledajte Snežu,kao zmaj!Hahaha

$ 0.00
4 years ago