Balloons are like happiness

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4 years ago

The teacher brought balloons to the school and asked the children to take them and write their names on them. Then all the balloons were taken out into the hallway and the teacher mixed them up. The teacher gave the children 5 minutes for everyone to find a balloon with their name on it. The children ran to look, but 5 minutes quickly passed and no one found a balloon with their name ...

Then the teacher asked the children: take the balloon that lies closest to you and give it to the person whose name is written on it ... Less than two minutes passed and everyone had their own balloon in their hands.

Finally, the teacher summarized the impression derived from this experiment:

"Balloons are like happiness. You won't find it if you're just looking for yourself. But if everyone cares about each other, you'll find it faster.

Učitelj je u školu doneo balone i zamolio decu da ih ponesu i na njih napišu svoja imena. Zatim su svi baloni izneseni u hodnik i učitelj ih je pomešao. Učitelj je deci dao 5 minuta da bi svi pronašli balon sa svojim imenom. Deca su potrčala da pogledaju, ali 5 minuta je brzo isteklo i niko nije našao balon sa svojim imenom ...

Tada je nastavnik zamolio decu: uzmite balon koji leži najbliže vama i dajte ga osobi čije je ime napisano na njemu... Prošlo je manje od dva minuta i svako je imao svoj balon u rukama.

Na kraju, učitelj je sumirao utisak koji potiče iz ovog eksperimenta:

"Baloni su poput sreće. Nećete je naći ako tražite samo sebe. Ali ako se svi brinu jedni o drugima, brže ćete je pronaći.

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4 years ago


Vlim balone, jos ovako lepi, sareni.Stvarno mogu da donesu mnogo radosti deci, a bogami i odraslima.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

od malena su me fascinirali baloni, i zanimljivo je da i dan danas gajim potpuno isto osecanje prema njima, obozavam da se igram tako sto ih zongliram onako kao na usporenom snimku

$ 0.00
4 years ago

isto...ja kupujem za Novu godinu i onda se igram sama hahaha po ceo dan

$ 0.00
4 years ago

colourfull potato souls ,thats very unique view and great teacher story that brings valuable things to our heads. humans are like thoses balloons, if you start shooting to them, the will never gonna be the same again, thank you sirPotato

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Balloons are like happiness. You won't find it if you're just looking for yourself. But if everyone cares about each other, you'll find it faster.

$ 0.00
4 years ago