we are, what we eat - Stay healthy with SirPotato. Secret article released on demand read.cash

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4 years ago

Eating healthy is a continuous learning process, but it is certainly brings invaluable benefits.

β€œI know what I eat” - We often don't think ourselves over what we eat. We prepare food quickly, we don't have time to choose the right products. This is a mistake because there are many diet-dependent diseases: from diabetes, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, to colon cancer.

First of all, the shorter the list of ingredients in a product, the better. If the list goes on and there are several dozen ingredients, it is better to put it on the shelf. If among these ingredients there is one that we cannot imagine or pronounce its name, then it is probably a highly processed product. We are, what we "eat"

and random meme time

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4 years ago


I love processed food, especially hatdogs, I know it has a lot of you know unknown ingredients, but still I can't help eating it, it's my favorite my love of my life, 😱😱

Thank you for this dear @sirPotato , but I can't stop eating processed food, But I don't eat it everyday I think 3 times a week only, we buy hatdogs in kilos πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

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4 years ago

Many of us do not know what they are eating. Even if we know, we do not give up old bad habits. We like fatty, salty, sweet ... We eat healthier!

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4 years ago

So this would be a meal things

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yes i like to reading your article. It's very interesting

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4 years ago

A short piece laden with practical applications for healthy living. Ride on SirPotato.

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User's avatar M3i
4 years ago

It is known that poor nutrition is one of the most important risk factors when it comes to malignant diseases. What makes some foods dangerous are chemical substances and additives that are added to improve the taste and other properties of the basic food or substance that are formed during heat treatment. In order to eliminate potentially dangerous, carcinogenic substances and substances that encourage the development of malignant cells from the menu, we must first identify them.

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4 years ago

I really like reading your Posts bebe. it has a very interesting always. I always read your full article so what is your Social media Account dear?

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User's avatar Reo
4 years ago

I want to read your posts to really learn something. thankyou always for your research @Sirpotato and I laughed at the last picture haaaha. I hope you also see my banner at the bottom of my post? huhu

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4 years ago