Sink Into The Crypto Market And Observation

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4 months ago

Image by PIRO from Pixabay

Today I dedicated myself in crypto market and observation and this time I was observing my coin. Successfully made some coins for future use and bought it again. A small amount from my whole asset I decide to trade but as always this trading will be run how long, I've no idea of it. As always coin was dumping after buying it, but I'll give it a try for 24 hours max, though the plan could be cancel if it constantly dumping and I already bought it when I saw red candle for it.

Not expecting big but it should works. Usually I post my crypto update blogs in the morning but I bring a change on it and this schedule will be not continued. Before writing on crypto I start checking my crypto wallet, market updates, bitcoin movements and candles of each coin. Last night I made around $2 dollars worth crypto, may sounds poor but still something that encourage me buying crypto coins constantly. Ability of buying crypto is a need and this need can be fulfilled with constant successful trading of our desired coin.

Though our desired coins doesn’t assure us profit but it is still worth buying as it has good name in the market for several years. It can be any altcoin that we can trust. We can invest on it for the growth as crypto trader or investor. What I do usually? Please don't follow it. I buy crypto getting desperate and sell it when get desperate too and many of you as my regular followers and readers know that. But someday I'll be an expert as I'm investing time on observation though this is not enough.

Sink into the observation and find some effective way of increasing crypto asset in our wallet. Around half of my asset value reduced but still I'm in the crypto market means I'm getting more patient and observant. Was thinking this morning, what to write today when crypto already in my mind playing mind game and I was thinking about buying crypto again and if it start pumping then I'll be able to earn some stable coin. Market is not yet green like before so trading right now is risky. But finally I decide to be a risk taker once again. Hope this will help me accumulating more crypto coins.

Thanks For Stopping By!!

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from Anonymous user(s)
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Avatar for Shohana
4 months ago
