Monday Blues: Make it your favorite
If you are asked to choose from the sevens days of the week your favorite.... Will it be Mondays?
Most people set their calendar to have Sundays as the first day of the week, but I take mine to be Mondays. Most people will always make this sad face on Monday morning, they hate it so much that if they have their way, they would skip it. Do you love Mondays?
Mondays was not always my favorite day of the week, I hated it so much when I was a child. After enjoying the weekend, and thereafter have a good sleep on Sunday night, my mom will come to the children's room on Monday morning to end our enjoyment and remind us that it is Monday. This always gets me angry, and since I was a little child then, I couldn't do anything other than to wear a sad face till I leave for school.
Some of the unfortunate happenings on Monday morning doesn't help at all. A situation where people are rushing to work, school, and you get to spend a long time in the traffic 'Me, I will just bite my left thumb and echoed to myself..... I hate Monday morning.. This habit of hating Mondays almost became a part me while I was growing up, but I was able to fight it gradually until it came to the point where i only hated it when it's raining. Sometimes I will wish if the weekend can be extended a little bit longer, so that Monday won't show up fast. But till today that wish has not yet come true.
Mondays was also designed to be as awesome and positive as Friday evenings. So me and you should stop dreading Mondays. It should be our most favorite day of the week. What I feel makes most people hate Monday morning is their kind of job. When you don't like your job, waking up on Monday mornings will always be a problem to you. It is so normal to feel this way because the awesome and fun filled weekend is over.
Mondays shouldn't be hated, it should be the most favorite day anyone would wish for. Stay with me and I will share some few things you need to do to make your most hated day of the week your favorite.
One of the things I did that really helped me become a lover of Monday mornings was using my best song as my alarm ringtone. If you set irritating songs as your alarm tone, you will be angered each time the alarm rings. And this can cause you to hate your Mondays. Setting funny voices as your alarm tone is also good. My elder brother had this customized alarm tone in his phone, each time his alarm rings, everyone in the house will be laughing all through until he stops it. Things like this can help uplift you when you wake up on Monday mornings. So consider changing your alarm tone to something positive if you hate Monday mornings so much.
Going to bed early after an amazing Sunday even will help you a lot. You will get enough sleep during the night hour, and this also will help you to wake up early to prepare for the day. You won't have any reason to hate Mondays if follow this routine.
On Sunday evenings, make plans for the things you will do on Monday. This things should be something you love doing and will make your more productive and creative. Take great advantage of Mondays and you always be eager to step into the first day of the week.
Always strive to make Mondays a special day rather than dread it. Setting positive goals for yourself for Mondays will help see it as a very beautiful day that anyone would wish for. View Mondays on a positive side and it will become your favorite. Make your Mondays more enjoyable than your Sunday evenings. It is possible...... So stop hating it, and love it.
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you had a great time here. Signing out now, I hope to see you soon. Bye
All images are from unsplash
I hated Monday's a lot. I used to prefer Tuesdays to Mondays because of how busy people is. But now I can't nothing than to accept it.