Shine for yourself, not for anyone else

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As life keeps flowing, times change, ages change, thoughts change and evolve. As we all know, the only constant is change itself! But while all this change is going on, every day, every day, you see what you thought would never happen, and you will continue to be surprised. Of course, you will continue to be surprised until you see the point where you will be indifferent. After a point, you stop being surprised…

But there comes a time when you start to realize yourself and show a solid character, and the rotten apples around you begin to fall one by one. When you start looking at your life from a wide window, you realize that many people are starting to leave your life. All of a sudden. This is where questions begin within yourself. Am I so wrong? What could I have done to make people turn away from me? When you start to think about the reason, two main options appear before you.

Either you have hurt yourself too much without realizing the people around you. But it seems a little absurd that they suddenly go away at the same time.

Or, as if the tree that bears fruit is stoned, people who cannot add any value to you in your life and who emit low-level frequencies according to you cannot keep up with you, they start grinding.

Unfortunately, success, unconditional love, happiness and goodwill are not concepts that everyone can handle. I recently read a sentence similar to this. “You can always find a bad day friend. There is hardly anyone who will not be there for you on your bad day. But have you ever seen a friend who is really happy and smiling on your good day?” You start to see the truth of this saying more clearly in your 30s after your 20s. Who knows, maybe these issues will lose their importance in my 40s, I don't know either...

Whoever you think knows you really well, it would be much better if you embrace that thought. Because people can only understand you as much as their own thoughts. He can make sense of you from the window he looks at. When we love people, we often fall in love with our dream person. The meaning we attribute to the other person makes that person indispensable. Our life is a complete illusion.

Think of it this way, we see everything we see only through our own eyes. Let's take colors as a base... Maybe it will sound crazy, but the red I see may be green in your eyes. But the red you see through your eyes is green to me. Can we prove otherwise? I do not think so. Everything is an illusion. The soil, grass, buildings, everything we see are just three-dimensional shapes that the human brain can perceive. When I think like this, all the peaks we try to be in life become meaningless. The only thing that remains meaningful is just the "now". When I enjoy the moment, I feel that I have lived life to my bones. Feeling in balance physically, spiritually and mentally is very important to be able to shine and reveal the light within me.

While knowing that everything is an illusion destroys the meaning of life for some, it is not exactly so for me. How can I say? Besides, you are in life, but there is a feeling of comfort and freedom that comes from knowing the possibility that everything can go wrong at any moment. And knowing this feels like it takes all the weight off our shoulders. It feels more balanced.

Someone will always come and go in your life. You will stop at the same stop as some of them. You will follow the same paths. But the time will come, the paths will part. Everything is so natural and normal… After a while, you stop being surprised anyway. This creates a natural defense mechanism.

There comes an autumn time like leaf fall. You have to do a cleaning, a purification. Do not hinder the transformation. As long as you do not lose the goodwill, respect and value in you, the people who should be with you in your life will somehow manage to stay. Don't feel sorry for those who are gone. Thank them for the values ​​they add to you and just move on with your life. No one can get in your way or upset you unless you allow it.

Whatever you express yourself, the helm is in your hands to realize yourself. Shine for yourself, not for anyone else!

With love...

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