I’m so stressed yesterday that I decided to draw something calming.
I first thought of a morning sunshine, but I can’t think of any scene to draw with that. Then a sunset came into my mind. It was unsuccessful. I feel more stress rubbing that orange color to the sky. I scrap that artwork. I then go with a starry night sky. LOLs, from morning to afternoon to evening. I been noticing that most of my recent subjects in my artworks are nature. Maybe I been stressing out because I can’t go out because of the pandemic which is why I turn to arts to at least experience going out. I feel suffocated in this house right now. Like the walls are getting nearer each day. Like it became a prison rather than a home. There’s not nothing we can do with that. I mean go out and then you risk yourself of getting the virus. It is better to stay here in our house than to experience hell with that virus. Anyways, I hope things to go back to normal because things became really unstable these past few weeks. Politicians going for each other throat, the economy going down, a lot of people losing jobs, racism, protests, number of positive cases going up and more.
So much for that. Let’s enjoy the starry sky with this portal. Hahaha. (I’m so lame).
Software used: Corel painter
Brush tools used: Mechanical pen, 6B pencil, 2H pencil, acrylic brush, and watercolor brush.
Here’s the process:
1.) Sketch it out. I decided for a portal themed artwork. (I don’t why).
2.) After that, I traced the lines of the mountains using a mechanical pen brush tool.
3.) Then the pinecone trees. Looking good so far. LOLs.
4.) The night sky is next. I first used an acrylic brush tool here. I find the watercolor brush tool in painter to be lacking when it comes to coloring. I also used a light green color around the mountains. It went okay so far.
5.) Smooth it up.
6.) Then covered it up with a watercolor brush tool to have that texture.
7.) Used a pointed acrylic brush tool for the stars.
8.) Put the a unperfect circle. Fixed some things.
I hope you enjoy the process. Thank you for reading.
I may not be active for the next few months because of online classes that start this month. This is a goodbye for now. hahaha. I actually don’t know.
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That looks so cute. I can imagine it as a logo somehow