Investing In Crypto Is Not First Prize

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1 year ago

Follow The Trail

As banks continue to crumble, many are now sounding the bell of an impending collapse. However, as Crypto enthusiasts, we have seen this coming for years. In regard to Bitcoin, conviction usually arrives alongside an understanding of its monetary policy. Understanding Bitcoin’s monetary policy, simultaneously causes one to examine and investigate existing monetary constructs.

This is where a Bitcoiner is forever “ruined” in regard to fiat currencies. Sure, in terms of disposable income, fiat is fine. However, as a savings instrument, it’s a complete nightmare. Furthermore, understanding that its monetary policy is not founded upon “specifics”, it becomes clear that fiat currencies are a ticking time bomb. Just look at countries such as Argentina, Venezuela, and Turkey.

When fiat currencies are devaluing at an “acceptable” rate, nobody is too concerned, since the majority are spending as they are earning. However, if that process begins to accelerate, chaos erupts. This is what we have seen in regard to the abovementioned countries. This is what Satoshi was hinting at… a need to exit the current system. The adoption of Bitcoin has obviously escalated due to global crises.

Many are now turning to Bitcoin, and other alternative Cryptocurrencies. However, unless you are extremely wealthy, this has no significant benefit in regard to your future. Ask yourself the following question: Even if Bitcoin were to rise exponentially, how long would my Crypto holdings last me, were I forced to utilize them as capital for living expenses? You have only escaped if you have a large enough allocation… or if you have access to something else, something far superior.

The True Freedom

Here lies the true essence of Crypto, and the only way it truly benefits the average person on the street… ongoing Crypto income! Without it, you are just like everybody else… you have perhaps escaped for a couple of months. To truly escape calamity, you need to have Crypto income hitting your wallets on an ongoing basis. This is what I have been stressing for the last four years, or so.

It doesn’t matter if you make a killing on an altcoin unless it has the ability to provide for you, many years into the future. Crypto has become a “money maker”, which is great. However, its essence lies in escape and independence. Right now, Crypto is simply an alternative… another option. It won’t remain that way forever. It’s time to start reading between the lines. This is why I have been so outspoken in regard to residual and passive income.

It’s more important that you build an alternative source of income for the future, and not just any income, Crypto income. Monetize your activity, get into passive income investments… start creating content on Hive. Many are missing out on the formative years… years that can become life-changing in the future if utilized correctly today. Operation Choke Point 2.0 is yet another confirmation that the window is beginning to close.

Final Thoughts

Unless you have spent your time building and securing future Crypto income sources, having a Crypto bag might end up not being as effective as you believe it to be now. You cannot opt-out unless you replace, or at least, significantly enhance your current income sources. It’s kind of like the “give a man a fish, or teach him how to fish” school of thought. Feed him once, or enable him to feed himself forever.

That’s it for this one. Remember, the window doesn’t stay open forever. Build something, anything that can enhance your future. All the best, catch you next time!

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First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.

This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.

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