One Unforgettable Childhood Memories with Our Carabao

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2 years ago

I was born and raised at the province of Bohol where I can enjoy greeny and muddy environment.

I enjoy everyday  sunrays that shine upon the foggy environment and to the mountain and trees.

I still remember how dews of every dawn breaks touches my young skin when going to the field and farms with my parents.

I can still remember how I sat on a sack that served as my picnic blanket and ate some wild fruits while my father plowed the rice farm and my mother cleaned the divisions of each rice farm.

We got our lunch packed in a clean green  banana leaves, a rice and fried dried fishes for lunch. Our life was not easy back then though we are proud to say that we have big land to cultivate.

And I have one unforgettable moment with our carabao during my childhood. My parents went to the market to exchange some of our farm goods with fishes and stuffs during that Tuesday morning so they asked as to take care of the carabao. A carabao mustn't be left alone under direct sunrays without a shade of tree, grass to eat and water to drink for a long time. Every morning since the sun rays has a average heat, the carabao was left at the wide green grassland and our task that day is to take the carabao at 9 AM to a shady place for it to rest and bring a pale of water.

But we forgot about this task for we enjoyed playing with my sister and brothers. By the time we remembered it, it was almost noon. So we ran to the grassland while we were too afraid that the carabao might die because it was so hot that day.

Luckily the carabao was still breathing and can stand up. Being so and reckless and playful at that age, we decided to ride the carabao disregarding how it feels being under the sun. It was good then riding it, having my sister at the front holding the rope connected to the its nose, next is our youngest brother while I was at the last part where I can hold carabao's tail when going downhill.

We were enjoying the ride not until the carabao spotted a small pond by the ricefarm that we passed by and wildly run towards it. It was so thirsty because we took it so late!

My sister hold the rope tightly and my brother hold my sister's waist with this too hands tightly as he could ever do while I hold his waist by one hand whe the other hand on holding carabao's tail. And before we decide what to do, the carabao jumped to the muddy pond without hesitations and we were covered in the mud too.
Our reflexes automatically made us stand up right after the muddy fall and looked around if someone have seen that fall and luckily there's no one there. Well, its kinda a shameful moment for us back then. And I looked to my sisters eyes and so she did, and looked around once again then realised that our little brother is not around!
We tried to stretched our neck to find our brother that might have fall down before the carabao jumped into the muddy pond but he was not there. Then we heard a voice near the carabao, and there we found him got bathed with mud all over his body that only his teeth and eyes can be seen white. His foot got stuck while the carabao relaxly enjoying the mud. We hurriedly took him.
Luckily he was not hurt and there we laughed and laughed.

When we got home, the lunchtime is over and our parents are home already. We excitedly tell them what happened because we find it kinda funny but instead of laughters, we received a painful whipped at each butt!
While we are being reckless and thinking it was fun, our parents find it so heartbreaking and scared when they heard the story.
We were just lucky back then that the carabao didnt broke our bones.

Lesson: Sometimes what we find enjoyable and fun is somewhat that will bring risk to us and to other people.

(Photo credits to: Alamy Stock and See photos to see rightful owners

Some photos are mine too.

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2 years ago
