The wisdom of the heart!

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3 years ago

I have been wondering the components that make up the heart of a human and the ideology of him that designed, created the heart and put it in man and other animals. Human beings and other lower animals that fill the earth have this special organ that makes them unique in their special ways. And inside this heart lies the engines that propel the body to function well both in human and in other animals on the planet earth. The heart produces and pumps blood to the whole body system thereby making sure that all the other organs of the body functions well, when the heart is weak, it  affects other organs of the body and can short the entire body system down which may lead to death.

The heart also interprets, show and reacts to what the other organs of the body tries to dictate. When the eyes see what may seem to be good or not to be good to the eyes, weird or awkward and  unacceptable, the heart will interpret it either in positive or negative way to the whole system, and this will go to the extent of affecting one's emotional, mental or even physical way of living through the way one thinks and behave. This can also been seen in other lower animals.


The mind also connects to the heart and this is the reason when something touches the heart, it affects the mind and can change the whole body system of the affected person. There is an interconnectivity between the heart and the mind in a human body. The mind is the invisible heart that we have but can't be seen. And that's where the wisdom lies. Right now, let's talk about the wisdom of the heart.


The heart(mind) is the place where the voice of right and wrong speaks through. The success and failure of man begins from the heart(mind), what ever achievement or plan one has solely depend on how the heart projects it and wants it to be, and from there, comes the final success or failure of man. Some will always say that maturity is of the mind and heart not of physical looks and strength. The way you react to things that come your way everyday of your life is determined by the way your mind views it.

When you want to take some decisions that seem evil, the mind speaks truth to you about the action you want to take and the resultant effect of the decision. Even in your stubbornness and deafness to heed to the truth, the voice keeps speaking to you not to go on with your intentions. The heart(mind) is designed in form of conscience to speak the truth to you when ever you want to fall apart from the path of truth.

The burning desire of man starts from the heart (mind), and it's so important for a man to always listen to that voice of conscience speaking through him when ever he wants to begin a journey. The wisdom of the heart is so designed to always guide one's ability to make the right choices that will be of great benefit to him. When you have the ability to listen to it, it will surely give you the right feeling that you are on the right track.

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Why not try today your best ability to do those things that will add value to your life, by making sure you give your heart a listen ear, because the wisdom of the heart will surely speak the words that will help you become a better person to yourself and your environ.

When you allow yourself to be nurtured through the wisdom of the heart in you, you will be found worthy by people around to always run to for any advice whatsoever that will build one's spirit in the right direction.

I want to wish all of us a very wonderful new month and also welcoming every on of us to this wonderful season of Christmas celebration. Let's make the best out of it as we enjoy the season.

Thank you so much for reading my article 🙏 Rafd9828

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3 years ago
