I know you might be wondering what I meant by the this caption I chose to use for my article. The reason for using it is not far fetched from the happenings of life which we encounter each day of our lives.
In this world we live in there are two important significant natural forces that controls the world and whether you want to believe it's existence and how it controls itself from each other or not, it does not matter but what's important to note is that, it has already first come to being before the creation of man. It directly or indirectly controls the existence of mankind. How mankind and other living animals behaves and carry their daily activities are been controlled through this natural phenomenon that I am about to discuss.
These two significant natural phenomenon the Day and Night have been known to stand in as a control key where virtually all the activities of man and other living creatures of this world can be turned on and off. Even the spiritual activities of any kind also use this significant nature of life to perform and carry their functions and activities.
Mankind used this significant nature of life to co-exist with one another during the day time and at night go their various shelter to have their rest. Same goes to some other living animals that co-exist with mankind. Some animals operate in the day and at night when the day turns dark go their resting places. Most of the other animals make use of the night as their own time of activities to interact and relate with other animals of their kind during the night.
Now I want to bring to your knowledge that most activities, successes, breakthroughs and even evil activities of the wicked are carried out at nights more than the day. During the night periods when most of people have gone to bed, that's the time most intellects, good and productive thinkers use to create good ideas that will bring about positive change to the world, inspirations, good dreams and revelations are abound during night rest.
In Africa where I came from before the coming of Christianity and other western culture, our forefathers and fathers were traditionalists and they used the night as the period where they make their prayers, do some incantations and apice their gods of the land for a bountiful harvest during farming seasons, apart from that they use the midnights to pray and do some rituals that protects them from any attack that may come spiritually.
When Christianity was brought to us by the foreigners, you could read your bibles and understood that all the prayers Jesus Christ, his disciples and apostles that came after Christ were done during the days and the nights, but the most effective prayers were the ones they did at nights where we could read different accounts of men that prayed their way out from persecutions and prisons like the account of Daniel in the lion's den, Paul and Silas In the prison, Jesus Christ prayed and fasted for forty nights and even at the transfiguration hour at night, parable of the sower where the devil went at midnight to plant the evil seed. Etc all these accounts can explain more about what happens at night and how the night create avenue for effective prayers and other activities that are been carried out by different forces both good and bad during the night than the day.
Most of the spiritual attacks and warfare one experience and encounter during the day are perfected during the nights before they start manifesting in the day. Most spiritual kingdoms, occult groups, have their meetings and operations at night because the night controls the day.
I know this might sound weird to some people but based on my personal research and studies and from other priests and highly religious men I have interacted with and asked some questions, I was able to ascertain that the night controls the day. Every supernatural powers and activities take their meetings and activities during the night. Their power gets stronger at night than the day. All the encounter the apostles of Christ had and their persecutions and freedom through prayers didn't happen during the day rather at midnight. Even the story of Samson and the Philistines when Samson in the Bible was caught and tortured by the Philistines, he was still blind and in chains, at the night the Philistines were having celebration in honor of the Philistine god Dagon. With a prayer of vengeance on his lips Samson dislodged the two pillars supporting the temple and everyone died including him.
The nights controls the activities of the spiritual world more than the day, that's why most religions of the world value prayer done at midnights and the one done in the day. At night when you sleep a lot of activities and events happens and all the forces of dark world manifest.
If you want to win your spiritual battles and want a fast answered prayers, please try waking up at midnight and say your prayers. Because at night that's when they perfect their plans against their target. You can fight them and win if you start making use of your night periods as your spiritual prayer night than sleeping all the time. Whether you like it or not, there are forces you can not see with your eyes but you can win them with your prayers if you wake before them and engage them at midnight.
My piece of Advice to you!
Thank you for reading my article 🙏 Rafd9828
When God created the heavens and the Earth as recorded in the Bible, it was the night that came before the day. Only those who are spiritually inclined understand this divine arrangement of time.