Don't be afraid to fail - Something I learned from a child.

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2 years ago

“Failure is a part of the process. You just learn to pick yourself back up.”

Michelle Obama

It's a new month!!!

How excited are you to see the month of “Ember”? I love this season because we are almost getting to the end of the year. It has been God's faithfulness in the last month and here we are again, getting prepared to work and commit all to God's hand. Let's keep reminding ourselves that it will be better, but we should keep moving on. When we fail, we shouldn't be worried, but stand up and keep trying.

Trust me! Children are your go-to if you want to learn a lot about life. They're too gentle for you to learn the best of life. All you have to do is be with them and you'll learn a lot. They remind you of the way you used to be when you were their age. This is why I enjoy being with them, to get more life advice. That's also why I chose to join the children's department at my church. I adore kids, and one of my dreams is to have them around me and be their confidant.

We cannot always do things the right way.

Can you look back at your childhood memories? In school, we want to be the first and nothing else. You feel weak and sad when you don't do things right at the beginning while you see other children getting by with it. We were so young and naive back then because we didn't realize that life isn't about making it all better every time. Missing it along the way does not make you a loser, but not being able to keep up and try to see if you would get better.

I was taking these kids, a revision of the Sunday School manual on Sunday, which I prepared some questions for them, and also came along with some rewards as a way to motivate them. There is this little boy of age 5 who wouldn't want to accept being a loser even when he kept giving the wrong answer, and when another person gives the correct answer, he starts to cry.

Why? He felt that he could have provided the right answer and wanted to continue to do so.

We learn when we fail and still attempt.

We have people like him. They don't want to fail the first attempt, and therefore they're afraid to try. They'd rather not try anything than try and fail. Life is never like that. We can't be right all the time, there would be wrongs, but what we decide to do after that, is what matters.

Failure is not an end in the world. We keep trying after every wrong result until we get it right, and at that moment, we have learnt lessons, and it would be easier to apply them in the next trial.

There was a story @olawalium mentioned sometimes back. A man lost his money, but was not sad, and when he was confronted, he said that he never forgot how he earned the money and that he would get it back.

One thing I like about the man is applying faith and courage to start all over because that was a mistake. Everyone will make mistakes at some point. The first mistake is always forgivable, but when you keep making the same mistakes, it means that you are still unable to learn.

Mistakes are bound to occur. We would make errors because it is not intentional. Don't be discouraged, you just have to find another way to make it work for you rather than wallowing in self-pity all your life.

There is no harm in not doing it properly. We were never supposed to be perfect in all areas anyway, but we can do our best to learn from every error we made. Learning is the best, and we will never stop learning till we leave this earth.

I knew the boy was just a child and when he grows up, he will fully understand that life is not just about getting it right all the time. How do you learn when you continue to do things well? That's why life brings moments of failure for you to learn and have the courage to continue trying. That's the great thing about us.

Thanks for your time

Images from the blowups from Unsplash

[September 01, 2022] (No 243 articles for the year)

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2 years ago


We shouldn't be scared to have some failures since it's part in our lives because if we always expect a success always and if the time you failed, it will affects our mind that's why we should know and understand that fails are okay. I agree to you princess.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We should never get scared of failing. It only builds and make us grow.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes that's true princess. Failures can give us good also. It will make us stronger.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you don't succeed at first you already have advantages the next opportunity. Have to try and not be afraid to fail. There's more to gain from failing than to not do anything at all.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

There is a possibility we would get it right in the next attempt. We just need to give it a try once more. Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Failure is part of growing up. That's when we learned so many things about life. That's when we truly grow as a person..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right, Sis. No one grows without learning and trying again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We all make mistakes and we are to learn from them. It depends on how we choose to see failure. No one wants to fail but if we don't fail how do we learn? It can be painful but it is all about our approach to it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's all about our approach to it. You are definitely right. Our perspectives really matter when it comes to failing and trying again.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Absolutely, KP. Thank you for another insightful post. It means a lot.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel like this sometimes too. Noone wants to fail. But failure comes maybe due to lack of proper preparation. We need to braceup and believe that we can still make it. Happy New Month 💖💗

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes oo. Believing is the first step. When you believe, you will definitely make it, no matter how many times you fail.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Failure is part of the tools needed to learn in life. A person who hasn't failed will never come to know the good worth of success.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes oo. Ask anyone who has made it if he never fail once? He would happily tell you he failed many times but got up and kept going.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No one likes to fail, but it's an important part of life. Without failure, we would never know what success looks like. I learned this important lesson from a child.

One day, I was watching a group of children play. One of the children kept trying to climb a tree, but every time he fell down. He kept getting back up, though, and eventually he made it to the top. He was so proud of himself and it was such a great moment to witness.

Later, I asked him why he kept trying even though he kept failing. He told me that he wanted to get to the top of the tree, and he knew that the only way to do that was to keep trying.

This child taught me an important lesson: don't be afraid to fail.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Wow! I really love to be around children. One would learn a lot from them. I like the boy's response. We must never get scared of failing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We shouldn't be scared of failure, rather we should learn to embrace it. I believe the fear of failure is also part of the reasons why people actually fail, their resolve is already shaken before they even attempt the task. I always see failure as an opportunity to try different approach and the good thing is that if you keep trying different approach to accomplish a goal, you will even learn a few things that will help you solve a problem in the future

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes. Sticking to a particular method to get a result can be so tasking and frustrating, but we can find different routes. With this, we learn and gained knowledge.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The so called failure we are scared of is a sign of progress because there can't be a failure without trying. When I fail, it shows me that I'm on track, all I need is to put in more effort to get the task done

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes oo. Put in more effort and with that, another knowledge has been added. Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lovely post and I appreciate your message here. Sometimes we can find that we are reeling from the mistakes we make, but you are correct, "what we decide to do after is what matters". It doesn't make sense giving up or simply feeling sorry for ourselves. We have to learn from our mistakes and try to grow past them, for as long as there is life there is a chance for us to do better. Thank you for this message, my friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It doesn't make sense at all, to stop halfway just because we failed. When we really wanted to get to the top, no matter what happens, we would keep trying. Thank you 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy new month to you sis How can someone handle success when he haven't failed before

Though it is not everyone that must fail but any that has failed before will handle it better than the one that haven't

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are very right. One hasn't failed before can never appreciate the value of success until he has experienced it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe we always overestimate what we’re capable of doing and underestimate what others might be able to do. So don’t judge yourself before starting out. You won’t succeed if you don’t start. Don't give up - no matter how hard things may seem

Also learn from your mistakes. Every mistake carries lessons that can help improve future endeavors. No matter how small the mistake seems, look back and learn from them.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Definitely right! I love your contribution and that is the truth about making mistakes and learning from them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Failure is in connection with success....just like without 1 you can't go to's the process that most people feared 😩

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Both works together and in the end, we learn and become successful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel for that boy giving the wrong answers. Sometimes we are like that. We keep doing what we are doing because we are desperate for better outcomes but turns out it is wrong.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

He was just a small boy and I know he would realize more about life when the time comes. When it comes to becoming desperate in doing the same thing all over again, there wouldn't be any change unless we learn.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We learn more when we fail than when we win. Anyone who is afraid of failing will remain stagnant.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is it. Such a person will never be active. Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We learn from failures. We no doubt fail in different trails of life. But we should be able to stand with proud as our failure has more learning for us. I agreed to childhood memories because we were learner at that age without fear of failures.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly. Failure is also a part of learning for us when we admit that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Firstly, happy new month to you. Failure isn't the worse scenario when trying to achieve something in life, it is just a phase to review, evaluate and learn lessons that will be needed as we progress in life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Happy new month to you, George.

You have said well. Once we know what we are aiming for, we wouldn't see failure as something worse, but a motivation to continue going. Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago