Dinosaurs will return!

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We are more or less familiar with the word dinosaur. It is the name of a prehistoric creature. We have not seen them. Because, according to scientists, the arrival of the human species on Earth occurred 4-50 million years ago. On the other hand, dinosaurs came 23-24 crore years ago at some point. They were proud to roam in almost all continents. We also know the alien stories of the terrible dragon, the beautiful mermaid or the intelligent people of other planets. But in reality we do not find the existence of these. The presence of the Dragon-Mermaid-Alien is largely imaginary. But the existence of dinosaurs is a proven fact in the field of fossil science. Today, there is no doubt about their extinction.

The word dinosaur means ‘Terrible Lizard’ or ‘Terrible Lizard’. We see lizards all the time. On the reading table, around the room, on the wall, on the ceiling. But any dinosaur species (such as the Bronchiosaurus) would be 60 feet long and weigh 35 tons (equivalent to 7-8 African elephants). These animals ate 400 kg of food a day. And the 2-3-inch-long lizards we see every day and the extinct dinosaurs 23-24 million years ago are carriers of the same genus and belong to the same reptile class.

According to evolutionists, dinosaurs evolved from amphibians into amphibians over a period of 26-32 million years.

Not all members of the dinosaur group were huge in size. For example, Stegosaurus is 13-25 feet in length and weighs 1-4 tons, Ichthyosaurus is 3-4 feet in length, Archeopteryx is 14 inches in length and weighs 2 pounds. These can be compared to pigeons. These small species of dinosaurs could fly short distances because of their wings. According to evolutionists, the future bird class evolved from this group of animals.

The extinction of the dinosaur group and its causes

Almost all over the world, these large royal reptiles have been roaming proudly for a period of 10-12 million (Mesozoic) years. But they did not survive to the end of the 7.6 crore (Cretaceous era). Collectively, these became extinct and lost. Naturalists are finding the cause. They are constantly coming up with new hypotheses. From this, some reasonable ideas have been raised: their obese bodies, the need for more food, their inability to compete for food (compared to later mammals), their incompetence in egg-laying and global climate change.

However, experts do not think that any of this is a valid reason for the extinction of dinosaurs.

Nobel laureate (1970) Alvarez and his son Walter came up with a new theory. According to them, a huge meteorite with a radius of 10 km came to the earth in a period of 65 million years. The meteorite struck hard, causing a volcanic eruption. The dust that formed as a result of the accident prevented sunlight from entering the earth for several years. Lack of light kills the plants and causes food shortage. This is the cause of the extinction of the dinosaur group. Many scientists, on the other hand, do not support the ‘meteorite-collapse’ theory (Hickey and Clemenceau, skeletal experts at the University of California).

However, in 2010, 41 scientists jointly expressed their full support for the theory of Alveraz and Walter at an international conference. They also said that the bombing of Hiroshima-Nagasaki in World War II was 1 billion times more powerful than the magnitude of the meteorite that hit the earth.

Research to bring back dinosaurs

The mass extinction of dinosaurs took place over a period of 60 million years. A long time has passed since then. For some time now, scientists have been claiming that the dinosaurs will be brought back. Positive research is going on. In this case, I think it is possible. We can discuss how this is possible. As we know, every cell nucleus of an organism has a DNA twine, which can make another similar twine. This is the precondition of life, which is known as replication. So it takes DNA to make a prehistoric animal. It can be collected from dinosaur skeletons or fossils. But the problem is, how can that DNA or genetic material be activated? It is theoretically possible.

However, the exact creation of life from body cells to clone technology is now an established trend in biology. Based on this formula, scientists who have been researching dinosaur inventions for the past few decades think that its success is just a matter of time. One day an aquatic dinosaur will be created.

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I heard a lot of stories about dinosaur as a child. Even once in history there were many dinosaurs, they were very scary. I also saw many movies. Nowadays, these have become extinct from the world.

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3 years ago

Thanks for your comment dear.

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3 years ago

Welcome dear.

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3 years ago