Should You Care About What Other People Think About You?
Most of the time, if you care about what someone thinks about you, then you must not be able to stop what you're doing to ask for their permission or change anything you're doing. People often tend to care too much about what others think of them. Care deeply about what matters to you, instead. It's so easy to want to know what other people think about you, especially when you hear comments, that make you feel bad, but they might actually make you feel worse, because you will always compare yourself to them. If you want to succeed, put your best face forward. Be ready to win, but you need to be ready to lose too. We have to be ready and deal with rejections sometimes. We have to accept the fact, that we will never be the most important person in our lives.
How To Deal With Rejection
You can't change the past and you can't do anything about the future. The only thing you can do is put your best foot forward and show the world the person, that you want to be. You can't please everyone, if you really want to have a happy life, but you can please yourself.
Rejection is part of the game. It's a learning experience. There will always be people, who like you and there will be, who not. It's a part of life. You can't let the opinions of other people dictate how you live. You have your own mind and your own values. It's not worth it.
You need to change the way you think about rejection. Not everyone who approaches you falls to your desires. In fact, most times it's the opposite. Most people who are drawn to you, stumble upon you and your personality at the same time.
You are who you are. You can't change that. You can only work on yourself and become the best person you can be. You can't do it by asking for permission, or by trying to prove everyone else wrong. You can listen, but you can't let other people's opinions control you. You have to go out there and make yourself known.
Why Do We Care So Much
People will always look at you and analyze you. You can't avoid them. It's unavoidable. No one ever really looks inside themselves to see what they are really made of. We all have our insecurities and our faults. Most of us spend our lives trying to conceal them or change them.
But it's not worth it. We are who we are. You need to stop worrying so much about what other people think of you. You have the possibility of doing things in this world, that others can't do. When it comes to caring too much about what other people think about you, you have to stop. You have to take control of your life, and learn to live with who you are.
We will never be perfect and yet we still care why, because we are human and we still want to improve ourselves. So we need to start caring about ourselves, and stop caring about what other people think. If we do, we might actually have a chance at being happy.
Why Is It Hard To Understand Others
We are all walking contradictions. Other people can't comprehend the things in our heads. They can't understand how we can think a certain way and be so confident about it, and still be willing to try it. It's all in the way we look.
They see you with their eyes. They observe you with their eyes. They evaluate you with their eyes. But when you look back at them, with a smile on your face, when they look into your eyes, there lies the possibility of them realizing what you are trying to tell them. People like us are misunderstood.
We hear what they aren't saying. We see what they are not seeing. We know what they are afraid of and we use it against them. You have your own truth. There is no one else who will have your same truth. Other people will try to force their values on you. They will try to shame you into changing.
When that happens, you need to look into their eyes and see beyond what they are showing you. You will never be able to please everyone. That is a lie they tell you so that you will be willing to give up your freedom to make others happy. You can't make other people happy. You can only be true to yourself.
The Effect Of Other People's Opinion On You
Opinions can be a very dangerous thing, especially when they are attached to the value judgments, that come with them. You can lose everything, because of the way someone else interprets what you are doing.
Maybe the person who is giving the rejection has a different idea about what you are attempting to do and the way they think it is wrong. Maybe they think it's admirable, even praiseworthy. Then their opinion will be the one that affects you.
For example, you are not interested in being a rock star, but you are taking steps to be a musician. You are just not good enough to be one. The opinion of those around you is that you will not be a musician, that you are wasting your time. They tell you that you should just accept it and find a regular job, because the chances of success are slim.
Well, that is their opinion and perhaps it is right, but it doesn't have to be your opinion. You can believe in yourself, and your dreams can be something, that you are very proud of. You can work hard to make them reality. You can look in the eyes of those, who are giving you advice and see yourself reflected there.
Thank you for reading.
If you think about what others will think of you, you will spend the day trying to make others like you. One can not live this way. It is torture. Simply live life as you please, trying to do good to others, and without looking at those who for one reason or another cling to hurting you