Splinterlands Battle Challenge - The Deeplurker Hunger

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I always thought that the Anglerfish is a beautiful monstrosity, the perfect predator in the darkest parts of the oceans, using the modified luminescent fin ray as a lure for other fish.

The Deeplurker is part of the same category... poisonous fish that dwell at the bottom of the ocean and prey on the weak. However, the Deeplurkers can travel to the surface in times of dire need, like when the balance of the water magic is in danger.

The Deeplurker is a common Chaos Legion Card with Opportunity. I find this card perfectly balanced for 6 mana, with 6 Health Points, 2 Speed and 3 Melee damage. Only the big bad Deeplurkers can poison their pray, the ones that reached level six.

1.Water Magic in danger! The Chaos Legion invasion disturbed the natural balance and the Deeplurkers traveled to the surface to defend the realm. The fight against Death started with a 21 mana battle with normal rules.

Kelya Frendul - Speed and Armor +1

Demented Shark - Main Tank with Inspire

Wave Runner - Melee with Reach

Deeplurker -Melee with Opportunity

The Cursed Windeku was the enemy tank, with deadly Roots ready to deal damage to any foe. The Silent Sha-Vi and the Undead Badger where selected to behind the lines, the last monster in my team. However, the Badger was just a snack for the hungry Deeplurker

The Cursed Windeku fell next and the Slient Sha-Vi followed. It was just the start of Round Three and the fight was over. Never mess with hungry sharks ... never mess with hungry deeplurkers. See the full battle here!

2.Chaos is fire ... water is balance! As the Chaos Legion called stronger monsters, the Water Splinter responded the same. Normal battle-rules and 28 mana made place for stronger monsters.

Kelya Frendul - Speed and Armor +1

Demented Shark - Main Tank with Inspire

Flying Squid - Melee with Reach

Deeplurker -Melee with Opportunity

Pelacor Bandit - Melee with Sneak and Flying

Ice Pixie - Caster with Flying

Water v Fire sounds like a classic fight, and becomes more complicated when the fire creatures have +1 melee damage. The expectations from the Ant Platoon were high and the enemy tactic was based on holding the lines as much as possible while the other monsters will hit behind the tank.

Round Three and the battleground is less crowded then at the beginning. The hit and run tactics worked well for my opponent, but he couldn't manage the overpowered damage from my fishes! I lost the Shark but the Lurker and the Squid are leading the damage charts.

Squid snacks... they all become squid snacks! I was expecting this battle to be more even, and to spread across many rounds... but it didn't! See the full battle here!

3.Turning the tides! All the little conflicts leaded to the final battle. The Chaos army meet the Water's mightiest monsters in what will be remembered as the Tidal Wave Victory! Was no better way to end this trilogy then a 99 mana battle!

Kelya Frendul - Speed and Armor +1

Diemonshark - Main Tank with Trample

Flying Squid - Melee with Reach

Demented Shark - Melee with Inspire

Deeplurker -Melee with Opportunity

Sand Worm - OP Melee with Sneak

Goblin Mech - The back door guardian!

Round One and the Badger is down ... the Soul Strangler is down ... and the Cursed Windeku followed them in the grave! The Deimonshark Trample followed and made another victim!

Flawless Victory! Is it only me who thinks that Water Splinter is overpowered in high mana battles? See the full battle here!


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