Baby Yoda will heal you - Goblin Psychic Splinterlands Battle Challenge

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May the Force be with you in the battle against the Chaos Legion! Another week ... another battle challenge for the Splinterlands players! This time the theme is goblin psychic ... a Baby Yoda look-a-like that will heal the tanks, either the Mandalorian or the Mycelic Slipspawn

Acting like the Jedi Academy, the Magi Tower is the place where Goblins learn to use the "force". Wait a minute.... is Yoda a goblin? The Goblins mages will learn to use the mind to move objects and read thoughts ... sounds like Jedi business to me!

The Chaos Legion common card is under the Earth Splinter. With 6 Mana cost and Tank Heal, it is a good card to play in an Obsidian Spell Boosted team. It gains Affliction at level 4, Silence at level 7 and Dispel at level 10.

Your armor is nothing against my magic! This is what Obsidian shouted at his enemy. Life Splinter teams tend to stack-up the armor and keep it up until the enemies are defeated. Today my opponent was out of luck, as his armor means nothing to me. No special rule-set and 28 mana cap gave enough flexibility for a strong team.

Obsidian - One Spell Power to the team

Mycelic Slipspawn - Main tank with Taunt

Regal Peryton - Caster with Flying

Goblin Psychic - Caster with Heal Tank

Brownie - Melee with Swiftness

Khimer Princess - Caster

Creeping Ooze - Support unit with Slow

Fighting against the Life Splinter can be complicated and time consuming, but not when your magic damage is boosted and will ignore the armor. The Shildbearer was down before round 1 ended, and the magical domination was starting.

The Goblin Psychic kept the Mycelic tank alive with a series of heals, while the other casters nuked the enemy line. By the end of round two was clear who will win the duel, with only the Pelacor Arbalest and the Truthspeaker still standing

Round 3 was a short one ... another flawless victory! The Mycelic & Goblin combo was efficient, keeping up the shield that protected the casters. See the full battle here!


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