New Places, New Faces, Zero Traces...

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10 months ago
Topics: Poetry, Poem, Life, Blogging, Motivation, ...

Everything looks new when you are in a new place
You hold on to that newness...never letting go...guarding your space
You sometimes lost track of how you got there, no trace
Up for the challenges that lies ahead you have to brace
Adjusting can be difficult too when you have no one who have your face
But you have to look inward, no timidity because you carry God's Grace
Life can be a puzzle to solve sometimes and oftentimes, like a maze
Which you have to navigate through as you strive to find your place
We are all the same...we differ by colour, thinking and also race
Those are visual difference but we are all beautiful to behold like a vase
Tender...delicate...soft and to be handled with care despite the content
There are so many things to learn at once when you are in a new space
Lessons keeps coming at you from every corner even when you don't want to
Growing up isn't optional in situations like that else you go further than
Staying up has to be deliberate if you want to stand your ground and soar
I have seen a lot of people lack the mental strength to pull through
Not because of the lack of it but they got swept up by the overwhelming lessons
It's easier to give up when you have lessons parading in your face
With no time to catch up or take a breather
Mental preparation is necessary and when you are overwhelmed with lessons
That's the only way you can pull through as your mind filters and count the blessings
I don't think I have attained but I am not resting...daily pressing towards the mark
No one have everything all figured one
But while you are calling on God, don't also forget to row
God will always send the rain but you have to prepare your field
We all have a part to play in God and do all you can too

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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10 months ago
Topics: Poetry, Poem, Life, Blogging, Motivation, ...


I like this article....Because I think that we all have to explore new things in our life...And if we stuck into only one thing we will not be able gain new knowledge.

$ 0.00
10 months ago

Thank you very much. I am encouraged. Deeply appreciated.

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10 months ago