How to onboard lots of people on bitcoincash

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Avatar for Muhammadumairkhan
3 years ago

The ideas are versatile to attract people to BCH one of the idea is here. Create a video in which you are addressing with 20 people and talking about BCH and cryptosites that offer BCH. All the people must not be attaached with any BCH crypto site. You have to convince them and tell all about the queries related to bitcoincash. Then you have to introduce them about the BCH sites like, read. Cash, lazyfox and few others, the way how to work there and full method of withdrawal. In last you have to understand them about how to install bitcoincash wallet, make a video in which you are sending 2mBCH (minimum) to 20 of each. Video must be clear and horizontal with 720 quality. Them you have to upload this video or this link on social media platforms like tweeter, YouTube, Facebook, reddit. I hope the 20 will get interest when they will receive payment of 2mBCH in their wallets and many other will get introduced on their social media platforms by watching the video.

Here I have made the video, in which I am sending 0.001BCH to 10 of my friends, introducing them about BCH,, read. Cash and lazyfox. I made this video and uploaded it on the monitized channel of my friend with 2k+ subscribers for public awareness.

You can also watch my humble efforts here

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3 years ago
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