Time to go Back (Part 2)
As one of the graduate students, one of the most challenging part for me is finishing a thesis/dissertation. Until now, I am not yet finished in preparing my manuscript for the final defense. What hindered me then? Well, there are many factors and if identifying them and putting them into writing would help me assess myself and help me to be on track then let me share it to you.
Have many tasks in the office/university.
My scholarship period is only for 2017-2020, that time I was only given 2 subjects for my classes which means that I can do more for my schooling. But since I was not able to graduate on time, I need to report full time in school and I was given full load and even a designation of Program Coordinator. Being a program coordinator really pushes me hard to do program related tasks. My time sometimes is consumed in doing paper works, reports relevant to the program. With that, I cannot find time for writing my paper anymore.
Priorities. Writing my paper now becomes a less priority. Aside from my office works, I have kids that I need to attend to. My 2 kids are already in school and I need to attend to their needs in times of answering modules, doing performance tasks, making projects. My friends would tell me, I should put it in priority so that I can finish it, but until now, I have not done it.
Financial Issues. I've been busy also of attending to our financial needs by doing some extra jobs just like writing here in read and posting in noise and also learning trading. It really consumed my time and my focus is no longer in writing my paper. My needs push me to prioritize earning rather than writing.
Lack of Motivation. When I was in school, I have classmates who were also working on their projects and I was motivated to also do mine. Now, they already graduated and I am one of those that are left behind. I can't seem to find the motivation now. Although my classmates still encourages me to finish it and even shared their outputs to me.
I exactly know what I should do. That is to set aside things and to prioritize the writing of my paper. Avoid procrastination and motivate myself to finish it. Focus on writing and forget about other matters. But the question is, When will this happen? Maybe next week, next month, I don't really know. There are things better said than done. I need prayers and your encouragement. I write this because I want to express my disappointments, my silent cries and maybe this could help me, unload the burden.
I know each one of us has its own struggles in life and thanks for reading mine. I am really praying that I can really surpass this stage of my life and become victorious with God's help. I hope I can really make a way To Go back to what I should do.
Thanks for reading and keep safe.
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konting push nalng.. find the inspiration...