Are You an Entrepreneur or a Businessman/woman

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Difference Between a Businessman and Entrepreneur

What is the difference between a business and entrepreneurship? In other words, what differentiate a businessman with an entrepreneur?

A businessman makes money from the share he earns through his trading activities. Let me exemplify. A business man buys a watermelon for $2 and sells it for $4. A businessman traded and earned $2 from his trading activity.

An entrepreneur thinks beyond that kind of simple trading. He buys watermelon for $2, spends additional money to set up a juice shop and building the brands. Makes 8 glasses of juice from the watermelon and sells each glass for $1. He leverages his activity to make additional money.

The different between a businessman and entrepreneur is same as the difference between a business and start-up. While business does not grow big, start-ups tend to grow very big. Businessman makes little profit, entrepreneur makes a lot of profit. However, entrepreneurship is not only about making more profits, it is also related to adding value to the society. They add value to the society through the services, products and businesses that have created.

Being an entrepreneur is not only about money it is about solving people’s problem making people’s lives better. That’s the reason why we need more entrepreneurs than the businessmen.

Infoprenuer: The New Age Billionaires

The word infoprenuer was coined by joining two words information and entrepreneur. The word infopreneur has been in existence since a long time, long before the information technology, which is represented by the World Wide Web, occurred. In 1984 Harold F. Weitzen registered infopreneur as a trademark. Skip Weitzen published "Infopreneurs: Turning Data Into Dollars” in 1988.

Who is Infopreneur?

Infopreneur is a person who builds business on products related to information. Infopreneurs don’t sell products or services, they sell information. Just like in other field of entrepreneurship Infopreneurs also are required to do research, spend time in building and collecting information and use the proper channel to disseminate the information.

Microshoft sells products, Google sells information. Therefore, Bill Gates is an entrepreneur where as Larry Page is Infopreneur.

How is Infopreneur different from entrepreneur and businessman?

A businessman buys watermelon for $5 and sells it for $10, and makes $5 profit from his business. An entrepreneur buys watermelon for $5, makes 10 glasses of juice and sells each glass for $2, and makes $15 profit. However, an Infopreneur does not sell watermelon or watermelon juice. Instead, he buy a watermelon for $5,  juice the watermelon, drinks the juice, and then sells the information on how to juice a watermelon and makes profit by selling profits.

Entrepreneurs Vs Businessman/woman

Start-up means a business or company that has the potential to grow very big. Not all businesses can be called start-ups. For instance, if you open a grocery store in your neighborhood, it is a business but not a start-up. However, if you manufacture organic noodles and start selling noodles, through various groceries, it is a start-up.

Another difference between a start-up and a business is their goal. While start-up is trying to change people’s lives through innovation, business is only focused on making money by selling products.

Since start-ups are destined to grow very big, you also need a big investment. Businesses and start-ups both can be started small and gradually injected money to grow big.  

The difference between a businessman/woman and an entrepreneur is the difference between a business and a start-up. Try to work on a start-up and become an entrepuernuer.

What Type of Entrepreneur Are You?

Do you have a business? What prefix best defines your business? In other words, what type of -preneur are you?

Entrepreneur: A person who starts his or her business alone (investing own funds and working alone)

Solopreneur: A person who starts, builds, and runs a business alone. The only difference with entrepreneurs is while entrepreneurs will partner with other solopreneurs will always work alone.

Mumpreneur: Someone who is an entrepreneur and a mum at the same time, who actively manages the business as well as the role of mother.

Techprenuer: A person who has a tech-based business.

Socialprenuer: A person who starts and builds a business that addresses social issues.

Webpreneur: A person who starts and runs a web-based business.

Wantrepreneur: A person who has a great business idea but has not started it yet.

While you may not find this entrepreneur classification in any dictionaries, the classification is for the purpose of identifying what kind of business you are operating or want to operate.

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1 year ago
