Disappointment & Realization
"Oh why me" but why say so should it be me rather, it rather not be me.
They had said it was over.
But I'm here behind my screen leaping
Searching for what can help me.
Reading, watching, and sleeping on it to get results yet nothing is forthcoming.
Oh let my disappointment not become a pattern.
I need a breakthrough.
But how can I get it?
Here comes another piece that lifts me.
I'm now happy but after some time depression and disappointment set it afresh.
How do I do
What do I need
Most times I felt I should just start running.
Maybe punch the wall or cut my flesh.
I feel it won't hurt but it will.
Up, look on.
Don't blink, here comes the opportunity
Oh you blinked before I could finish saying "don't blink"
Oh no, you didn't see the opportunity.
You rather reminisced on failed dreams.
Look my friend there is...
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