I just want to ask, How are you?

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Written by
2 years ago

Happy Thursday dreamers!

I am so busy since early in the morning because today is my nephew's dance performance.Actually, we go there at exactly 8AM and we go back home almost 6PM. Attendance is a must so we need to went there early but we didn't expect that their performance will be at afternoon schedule. At first, they said that it was 2PM but it actually happens at around 4PM. Very Filipino time haha. So because of that, I can't think a nice topic go write today so I get one question from the random generator. The savior when we don't know what to write lol haha.

Here's what I've got. So my answer for this question is very firm. If ever I given a chance to asked all of the people that I've met, probably I would asked them " How are you?" I know that it is just a simple question but I know that it can be deep to someone's who can heard that question. It is so easy to asked but not everyone has the courage to asked this question to their love ones. At some point, maybe some got shy asking this especially if they are not totally close. But you know what, this question might be a comfort to someone especially for those who pretends to be strong even they are aware that they are not okay.

When was the last time that someone asked you " How are you?" In my part, I can't remember when was the last time I heard that question. I know that we are too busy in personal life to the point that we don't have time to each other. But I remember before that I cried when someone asked me this question. That time, I admit that I waiting for someone to asked me that because I feel like I really someone who will listen to me. You know what, sometimes I am more comfortable to share my problems to a stranger rather than to my close friends. I don't know why because I feel like that I can express myself when that someone doesn't know me at all.

Observe your surroundings, look at the people. What did you sense from them, are they really okay? Asking them how they are doesn't cause you a harm. Especially inside the house, you should always asked that "How are you?" to your partner and most especially to your kids. By that question, I am sure that it can be a way for them to open up their problems or shares the updates in their life. Giving them a little bit of your attention and time to listen is actually a big thing for them. Moreover, you should asked yourself " How am I?" because I know that you also fight a lot of struggles in life and sometimes you forget to check yourself. Don't neglect yourself just to provide some for others. Always have time to assess or to check how's your life going.

Tonight, I just want to asked everyone's here " How are you?". I hope that you are really okay though. That life becomes little kinder to you. That struggles is not too heavy to carry. I want this question to be convert to a warmest hugs for you. Life is simple but being alive is complicated but nevertheless we should choose to fight rather than to surrender. And for those that are really not okay right now, I just want to remind you that your situation today is just a piece of your life's history so don't stay with that phase, learn to move forward even a little. Hang on there until you became okay. Big hugs to everyone!!


I just wanna say Thank you to everyone who motivates and give their concerns to me. I really appreciate my Ates and Kuyas here who always remind me that I should be responsible with my health. Thank you also for always dropping by at my article. Have a great sleep ahead dreamers!!

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Written by
2 years ago


the space is too narrow to give space for thoughts to surrender, it's filled with the spirit to fight and strive hard to survive even life is hard

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for asking it my friend. I'm fine and good and i remember last time a person asked to me how am i?? Almost 2 day's ago

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo langga. Same tayo. Yan din question na itanong ko and it's mostly talaga. Yan tinatanong palagi.

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2 years ago