There are numerous reasons why someone suffering from a mental disorder would refuse to seek treatment. Some treatment objections are widespread among specific conditions, while others are more common among those suffering from depression or anxiety, and still others are wholly unique to a single person.
Having said that, here are some of the most common reasons I've heard from people who refuse to seek mental health treatment:
Many people are terrified of what therapy will feel like, of making changes, of having to confront their own difficulties, of being intimidated by the process, and so on.
"What problem?"
Many people have gotten so proficient at blaming everyone else for their issues, including situations they can't control and other circumstances, that they don't view themselves as in need of care, let alone someone with a mental illness.
Some persons with depression believe they are hopeless, "what's the point," don't understand how treatment might "improve their position," or believe they know best about their circumstance, and that a professional would agree since they believe it is hopeless.
Mental health therapy can be costly, especially for those who do not have proper mental health coverage, and many people who are trying to make ends meet do not prioritize their own mental health when they have other pressing financial concerns.
Many people carry a great deal of shame and embarrassment with them, and the prospect of revealing anyone, let alone a stranger, their innermost secrets and having to discuss them out loud can be so humiliating that they avoid it totally.
Some people have been told their entire lives that they "are the problem" by those around them, and they have learnt to resist this message in order to maintain their self-esteem.
For example, if their parents have a strained relationship with them, they may be resistant to doing whatever they are told, let alone seeking treatment.
Not ready
Aside from the most extreme circumstances, the majority of people must be willing to participate in their own mental health therapy. It doesn't matter how many times someone is encouraged to seek treatment for their own benefit; it won't help them unless they are truly motivated to undertake the effort required to get better.
Many people are pressured into coming to therapy, and while they may attend one or a few sessions, they rarely use the resource because they are not ready to fully participate with the process for their own reasons.
THE POINT HERE is that..
There are a variety of reasons why people avoid therapy and other forms of mental health treatment. As difficult as it may be for their loved ones, most people will not go to therapy or use it effectively unless they are ready and motivated to do the work and participate fully in the process.