Choices that change self-esteem

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Just write

One day I said "Enough"...

I used to have my self-esteem on the ground, since I lived in a constant comparative dialogue in my head, I have always been a girl who appears much younger than her age and that has always been a source of insecurity.

It was so much, that the point that someone asked me my age, it generated anxiety, they always said that I looked like a girl, even as a woman until I said "Enough is enough" I no longer allow these types of thoughts, which only come to me to make me feel bad, it's all in my head and I'm tired of being my own enemy.

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I made peace with myself...

I looked in the mirror and realized that it was not bad to be different, that in reality my physique was not even bad, since I tend to draw attention easily, the real problem was me, only me, who believed that by not appearing adulthood was wrong.

Today I am grateful for this gift, since I am going to be 22 years old and now I am afraid of getting old, how can you see the human south is never satisfied, but there is some difference between my past self and the one now, and that is that today I am my best friend.

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I have more reasons to love myself than to hate myself...

After leaving therapy, I had a homework assignment to write down a list of good things about me to take to the next appointment.

In the crestfallen state I was in, it was impossible for me to write something positive about myself, until a quality came to mind, and in a matter of seconds, many qualities and virtues began to arrive, which made me realize that I am very strict with myself and that I should focus more on the good things than the bad.

Quickly, I got to my appointment with the psychologist and he sent me homework, every time my mind believes negative things about me, read that list that reminds me, why I should love every space of me.

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I can't be the same as them...

I don't have to be...

I want you to know, that at this moment in my life, I write these words from true love, that I have for myself, I no longer need to look at myself in a mirror and tell me many times how beautiful I am and how much I love myself, to believe it, because I don't have to believe it! I love me! And sincerely! My self-esteem has about 3 years being 9/10, and my thoughts about my physique are really good and comprehensive, in reality that 1 that is missing to be 10/10, is related to my personal development.

As a woman I want to achieve my financial and family independence, without the need for someone to help me achieve it.

Nowadays my mental monsters are related to other girls, who already have their lives fulfilled, they have a good job, money, their own house, car, expensive clothes and all those things that I want, sometimes it makes me jealous.

So, I made a strong decision to commit myself to achieve it my way, without the need to compare myself with them and the way they achieved it.

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Getting out of my comfort zone was the best option...

I was in the prison of my mind for many years, wanting to change things about myself, complaining about how I looked, or about what I didn't have, that I came to understand that sitting down grumbling and complaining wasn't going to get me anything.

The first thing I did to get out of the comfort zone was to exercise, without a doubt it is one of the best things I have ever done.

On a mental level, it is a great drain, for stress and anxiety, and on a physical level, I am stronger, more animated and with a more worked-out body, I am so well that my relationship with exercise is no longer merely for the physical , but for my mental health.

Today I am a hard-working woman, who dedicates many hours of the day to fulfill her dreams, because they will not only remain in my head, I know that they will reach this physical plane where I am waiting to enjoy them.

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I forgive them... Resentment is simply an excuse to leave responsibility to someone else, not to assume yours, I forgave them, my parents, I know they don't do it out of malicious intent, I know they want me to have a different destiny than theirs, but that pressure hurt me, made me think that I continually make mistakes in the paths of my life. I don't want what they want, I just want what I want, I forgive them, because they are the people I love the most in this world, for that reason, they are the ones who have hurt me the most. If you are a father, and you want your children to be successful and fulfill their dreams, first think about how they feel when they feel afraid of not carrying them out, the greatest wish that a good son carries is that your parents feel proud of him. you, and the link between the speed of time and circumstances, create a hell in your head, to the point of feeling that your parents will leave this life without visualizing your triumphs. But I let go and decide to let go of those thoughts again, a tear slipping down my cheek. I love my parents and I can no longer change them, I know that they love me and want the best for me, even if it is not the best way to help me, but I can change and if I will make them feel so proud of me, let them feel that it was worth it all worth it.

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Not every day I can, there are days where I get tired..

It's not bad to give up for a day, I think rather, after you hit rock bottom, everything improves.

That is my last option and it is the one that helps me get out of those holes where I fall.

Life is very rare, I won't get tired of saying it, it will never be perfect, it will never be extreme, you just have to know how to live it regardless of the circumstances.

Self-esteem not only has to do with physical insecurities, but also with your mind, with pleasure weaknesses, there will always be a small shadow behind you, ready to stalk you, but the last word will always and forever be with you.

Get tired for a day, give up for a day, but go on and on until you can't look back anymore.

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|Versión en Español|

Un día dije "Basta" ...

Solía tener mi autoestima por el suelo, puesto que vivía en un constante diálogo comparativo en mi cabeza, yo siempre he sido una chica que aparenta mucho menos edad de la que tiene y eso siempre fué motivo de inseguridad.

Era tanto, que el punto de que alguien me preguntara la edad, me generaba ansiedad, siempre decían que parecía una niña, aún ya siendo mujer hasta que dije "Ya basta" no permito más este tipo de pensamientos, que solo llegan a mí para hacerme sentir mal, todo está en mi cabeza y me cansé de ser mi propia enemiga.

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Hice las paces conmigo...

Me miré al espejo y me di cuenta que no estaba mal ser diferente, que en realidad ni siquiera estaba mal mi físico, puesto que suelo llamar la atención con facilidad, el problema verdadero era yo, solamente yo, que creía que por no aparentar una edad adulta estaba mal.

Hoy en día agradezco este don, ya que voy a cumplir 22 años y ahora me da miedo envejecer, cómo pueden ver el sur humano nunca está conforme, pero hay alguna diferencia en mi yo pasado y el de ahora, y es que hoy soy mi mejor amiga.

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Tengo más razones para amarme que para odiarme...

Luego de salir de terapia, tuve de tarea escribir en un papel una lista de cosas buenas de mí, para llevar a la próxima cita. En el estado tan cabizbajo que estaba, se me hacía imposible escribir algo positivo de mí, hasta que se me vino a la mente una cualidad, y en cuestion de segundos, empezaron a llegar muchas cualidades y virtudes, que me hicieron darme cuenta, que soy muy estricta conmigo y que debo enfocarme más en las cosas buenas que malas.

Rápidamente, llegué a mi cita con el psicólogo y me mandó de tarea, cada vez que mi mente cree cosas negativas de mí, lea esa lista que me recuerda, porqué debo amar cada espacio de mi.

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No puedo ser igual que ellas...

No tengo porqué serlo...

Quiero que sepan, que en este momento de mi vida, éstas palabras las escribo desde el amor verdadero, que me tengo hacía mí, ya no necesito mirarme a un espejo y decime muchas veces lo hermosa que soy y cuánto me amo, para creerlo, porque no me lo tengo que creer! Yo me amo! Y de verdad! Mi autoestima tiene como 3 años siendo 9/10, ya mis pensamientos sobre mi físico son realmente buenos y comprensivos, en realidad ese 1 que falta para ser 10/10, va referente a mi desarrollo personal.

Como mujer quiero lograr mi independencia financiera y familiar, sin la necesidad de que alguien me ayude a lograrlo. Hoy en día mis monstruos mentales van referentes a otras chicas, que ya tiene su vida realizada, tienen buen trabajo, dinero, casa propia, carro, ropa cara y todas esas cosas que yo quiero, a veces me da celos. Entonces, tomé la fuerte decisión de comprometerme a lograrlo a mí manera, sin la necesidad de compararme con ellas y la manera en que lo lograron.

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Salir de mi zona de confort fué la mejor opción...

Estuve en la prisión de mi mente muchos años, queriendo cambiar cosas de mí, quejándome de cómo me veía, o de lo que no tenía, que llegué a entender que sentada refunfuñando y quejándome no iba a conseguir nada. Lo primero que hice para salir de la zona de confort, fué hacer ejercicio, sin duda es de las mejores cosas que he hecho.

A nivel mental, es un gran drenaje, para el estrés y la ansiedad, y a nivel físico, estoy más fuerte, más animada y con un cuerpo más trabajado, estoy tan bien, que mi relación con el ejercicio ya no es meramente para el físico, sino para mí salud mental. Hoy soy una mujer trabajadora, que dedica muchas horas del día para cumplir sus sueños, porque no quedarán solo en mi cabeza, se que llegarán a este plano físico donde estoy esperando para gozarlos.

Los perdoné...

El rencor es simplemente una excusa para dejar la responsabilidad a otra persona, para no asumir la tuya, los perdoné, a mis papás, se que no lo hacen por mala intención, sé que ellos quieren que yo tenga un destino diferente al de ellos, pero esa presión, me hizo daño, me hizo pensar que me equivoco continuamente en los caminos de mi vida.

No quiero lo que ellos quieren, sólo quiero lo que yo quiero, los perdono, porque son las personas que más amo en este mundo, por esa razón, son las que más daño me han hecho. Si eres padre, y quieres que tus hijos sean exitosos y cumplan sus sueños, primero piensa en cómo ellos se sienten al sentir temor por no llevarlos a cabo, el deseo más grande que lleva un buen hijo, es que tus papás se sientan orgullosos de tí, y la liga entre la rapidez del tiempo y las circunstancias, crean un infierno en tu cabeza, hasta el punto de sentir que tus papás se irán de esta vida sin visualizar tus triunfos.

Pero yo solté y decido soltar esos pensamientos otra vez, con una lágrima deslizándose por mi mejilla. Amo a mis padres y ya no los puedo cambiar, sé que ellos me aman y quieren lo mejor para mí, así no sea la mejor manera ayudarme, pero yo sí puedo cambiar y si los haré sentirse tan orgullosos de mí, que sientan que valió todo la pena.

No todos los días puedo, hay días donde me canso...

No está mal rendirse por un día, creo que más bien después que tocas fondo, todo mejora, esa es mi última opción y es la que me ayuda a salir de esos huecos donde caigo.

La vida es muy rara, no me cansaré de decirlo, nunca será perfecta, nunca se quedará en extremos, simplemente hay que saber cómo vivirla sin importar las circunstancias.

El autoestima no solo tiene que ver con inseguridades físicas, también con tu mente, con gustos, debilidades.

Siempre habrá una pequeña sombra detrás de tí, dispuesta a acecharte, pero la última palabra siempre y para siempre la tendrás tú.

Cansate por un día, rindete por un día, pero sigue y sigue hasta que ya no puedas mirar atrás.

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$ 1.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @TheGuy
$ 0.02 from @Ellen-he
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Avatar for Mafer8866
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Just write


Self love and self awareness is important. We should not compare ourselves to other since every individual has its own capabilities. We risk, we try and find better ways to achieve our goals in life. Focus on positive things and make the negative ones a challenge. God bless to you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

there is no important thing than love to us time and relaxment

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, you know you're right!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, we should love ourselves as much as we can, give time and relax, but never give up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Loving each other above all things should be a philosophy of life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes sis, you're right

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't think much about what other people did or achieved, everyone is different and want a different life. If want that go for it, if not then only think of how you are going to achieve. When you know what was limiting you and at some point of time you break the chain, this moment is just a wonder to people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No, it's just that I'm not that girl who bases her achievements on others anymore, but I love that you understand my point and thanks for your great advice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love your point about loving yourself the way you are. It is really a very important step in the process

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A step that really changes your life!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, I am very happy that you were so strong to make such a big change in yourself. We special girls need to learn to love and admire ourselves despite all our flaws and shortcomings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is definitely a process that never ends, but it is precisely what makes it beautiful. Thank you for your kind vibes friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago