Diving deep

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3 years ago

Do we really know our self? Do we really see what`s inside our head? Many of us just live everyday like robots with no emotions or feelings. Some of us live everyday not happy on what we are doing, but we can`t escape it. And there are some who hide their real self deep in their heart because they are ashamed or afraid on what other people will say. But is that right? Do we really accept that we must live to satisfy others by restraining our self or we are just afraid?

Many of us live everyday in our own lie and we get comfortable at it. We are afraid of the truth so we use our lies as walls to hide. But you know it`s not healthy and it will slowly melt you leaving you in the floor. We walk everyday eyes closed, ignoring all the possibilities that we can be better. Our eyes are closed, we are afraid to know the truth because we know it might hurt us.

Be your self

Nobody can make you who you are. Nobody can get a molder and mold you out of it. Be the captain of your own boat and sail the ocean. Some people are just close-minded and can`t accept a person because it can`t benefit them so they choose and find a way to change that person so they can benefit from it. don`t be a victim of the wrong doings, be who you are and in that way you can find your true happiness and true self.

Do what you like

We are forced to do many things we don`t want to do. Very common example is when your family wanted you to be a doctor but you want to be anything else, what will you do? Hear in the Philippines children and teen don`t have a choice but to obey, we don`t have the right to talk back becuase they said is it so disrepectful. So many children loose their hope and do things that make them unhappy. They said that money is more important than dreams, there are no money in being an artist, they said people can`t eat dreams, they said that children must earn money a lot so the family can benefit. Don`t get me wrong, family is important and they care for us, but is that the right way? Destroy one`s dreams to get better in life?

But if you have a choice, do what makes you happy. Even it is hard, even it is a big risk do it. it`s better to risk that to regret right? Do what you want, it is better to get stressed to things that you want to do than to suffer on things that you don`t want to do.

If you pick path you don`t want, eventually you will be exhausted and tired, eventually you will give up because you don`t want it in the first place. But if you pursue the things and path you want, you will not give up because you know that you want it. you will never give up because you are enjoying the process even it Is hard.

Take risk

There are walls in our life that separate us from being happy and being sad, there are walls that separate us form being successful and being a failure. Many people can`t leave their comfort zone because they are afraid, they are afraid to take risk because there is always a voice inside their head whispering “ what if you fail “ take risk and step out f you comfort zone, climb those walls that separate you from thing that you want. Expect that wall is high and crowded with sharp wires, expect that wall is hard to conquer. But once you pass that wall you can see what is in the other side, you can see what kind of happiness is waiting for you.

But remember taking risk is a risk, it can go not according to plan or It can lead you to bad choices. But at least you try, you try to see if it is for you. When it is not for you that experience will not go to waste, you can use it to be more stronger and wiser.

Embrace the truth

You can choose if you can be happy in truth or in lie. If you choose to be happy in truth you can see how the world is changing, you can see how cruel and sad the world is. And based on that truth you can adapt and be stronger and you can make an effort and help the world to change, you will have a chance to make a stand and lead the world to a better place. But if you choose to be happy in lie, you are digging your own grave, you will grow weak day by day and you will not move forward

We can choose what we want to be. We can be anything we want and be happy. By doing this we can learn more about our self, we can learn more how to handle many situation. Get out of your comfort zone and be limitless, like Steve Harvey said “ You must be comfortable in being uncomfortable”

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3 years ago
