The words "In shaa Allah" has now gained some common place usage and popularity in recent times especially in the social media space but for the wrong reason. The day I stumbled across a video of the outgoing President of the United States uttering these words, I knew something had terribly gone wrong. This fear was further confirmed by scenarios in which the words are now being used on Twitter and other social media platforms especially as it relates with political matters. Some do not even know the meaning of these words but now used it simply because it appears to be the trendy thing to do.
You may ask what do the words Inshaa Allah mean? . It is or should I rather the words mean if Allah wills or in shortened form Allah or God willing. It is of Arabic origin. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary God willing is:
used to say what one hopes and expects to do or happen if no problems occur
Its usage was previously mostly by Arab speaking people and Muslims. It hinges on the fact of something being done or happening depending on the will of Allah. That is after all effort or necessary action has been put in place to ensure that the said event or action happens.
From the Islamic perspective, it is the pronouncement of these words that gives Muslims the assurance that If a planned action or event doesn't eventually happen after the needful has been done, it is indeed the will of Allah that has prevailed or overtaken the plans.
Thus when Muslims plan for a future action as a matter of religious conviction the words are said to create the consciousness in the mind of the one procalaiming them that the occurrence of the planned action or event or action is subject to the will of Allah.
It is therefore wrong as is the case in some instances these days to proclaim these words when there is no intention or conscious effort following the proclamation of these words to actually carry out the event or action in question. Sadly most people proclaiming these words especially the political figures usually have no intention of carrying out the act or activity which they associate this word with.
A typical example if its misuse, is when a political officer holder or aspirant uses it in relation with a campaign programme or a policy which is never intended to see the light of day. Their intent is that when they eventually do not carry out the act or action as was premeditated, they will fall back on the proclamation as the excuse for it.
Indeed they have made InShaa Allah their fall guy which is rather unfortunate and condemnable. Their misdeed may be likened to an attempt to blame their deliberate inactivity or non-performamce on Allah or God. Verily Allah is free of all blame.
Dear reader with what has been penned down about these words, I do hope if you're amongst those who have been using these beautiful words out of context or in deliberate mischief you will have a change of heart and make necessary amends. Do know that it is indeed folly to attempt to transfer the burden of one's inadequacies deliberately or otherwise on God. For surely there will be a just recompense for all actions in God's court where there is no room for appeal.
for reading.