Video – Announcing 2022 Cybersecurity Predictions

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2 years ago

2022 will be a very tumultuous year for cybersecurity professionals. The underlying fundamentals that drive major shifts of the cybersecurity industry — technologies, threats, and economic factors, will introduce new risks and combine to significantly increase the relevance and challenges of protecting digital assets and capabilities.

Top 10 Cybersecurity Predictions

— LinkedIn article
— Medium article
— Download direct PDF

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2 years ago


Me parece un tema bastante interesante ya que Dada la gran afluencia de cyber demanda es igual de importante tener un alto grado de seguridad para que todo lo que compartamos en la web sea del agrado y confianza de los cibernautas

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2 years ago

Completely agree. We want the benefits of digital innovation but should also respect that it is accompanied by equitable risks which must be purposefully managed.

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2 years ago