Superstitions belief of filipinos part 2

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3 years ago

Superstitions beliefs of filipinos part 2

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Baptismal Superstitions


1.A good sign when the child cries while being baptized because it means the agua bendita drives away evil spirits in the child.

2.When the child to be baptized is the eldest, the grandfather or grandmother must choose the name of the child so that it can have a long and prosperous life.

3.When a daughter and a son are baptized at the same time, the man must be baptized first because when the woman comes first, the man will not grow a beard when he grows up while the woman will have a beard. It is also likely that their behavior will be reversed.

4.It is best to baptize the child on the same day he or she is born.

  • Infant and Child Superstitions

Source:smart parenting

1.The father must cut the baby's umbilical cord so that they can have a good relationship with the child.

2.A baby will be fatherly when it is dressed in the clothes that the father has already used. The opposite is true when the mother wears clothes that the mother has already used.

3.The complexion or appearance of the baby depends on the birth of its mother. When white and beautiful things are conceived, the baby will look the same.

4.Any newborn baby who cries out loud will have a long life.

5.Any child with two whirlpools is stubborn growing up.

6.Any baby that eats a pig's vagina will grow up talkative, as well as when a hen's vagina is fed.

7.The angel watches over the babies when left alone.

8.The baby should be bathed in the first rainwater in May to avoid getting sick.

9.Don't always carry the baby so as not to get used to it.

10.Wrap the baby in the mother's clothes so that she does not look for the mother when she leaves the house.

11.Hide the child's hair and nails the first time they are cut.

12.Keep the child's first haircut in the book so that it will be wise.

13.When a newborn baby is dressed in old clothes, he will be frugal when he grows up.

16.When a baby likes to lick, it means that its mother has conceived food that she can no longer eat.

17.When a child under one year of age cuts his hair, he will grow stubborn. Also when the nail is cut at that age.

18.When you kiss a baby while he is having a bowel movement, his breath will stink as he grows up.

19.When a bee lands on the baby while sleeping, it means that the baby will have good luck.

20.When an infant or child is rescued from a disaster, it is rescued by his guardian angel.

21.When a child is beaten with a spoon or kissed while sleeping, it will grow naughty or mischievous.

22.Put a pencil or any sharp object under the baby's pillow to help it grow.

23.A child's eyelash will flicker when it is cut as a baby

24.The child will be stupid when the book is seated.

25.It is bad to kiss a baby with another baby because it will not learn to talk.

26.It is bad for a child to walk through the window because he or she is likely to grow up to be a thief or to avoid it when married.

27.It is bad to put perfume on a baby because he will be liked by the angels so he will probably die.

28.It is bad for a cat to approach a baby because it takes away his breath.

29.Lucky for gambling is the dried umbilical cord of the baby.

30.When the baby has a lot of skin, the mother likes to eat chocolate when she is pregnant.

31.In order for a newborn baby to be smart, his placenta needs to be buried in the ground with a pencil and paper.

  • New Year's Superstitions

Credit to

1.Whatever you do or feel on New Year’s Day will continue throughout the year.

2.Open the doors and windows at the entrance of the new year for the blessings to enter.

3.Don’t spend money going into the new year.

4.Don't take a bath on New Year's Day.

5.When sad on new year’s day it will be sad throughout the year.

6.It will bring good luck to wish “Happy New Year” to everyone you meet on New Year's Day.

7.There will be luck when men are the first to meet on new year’s day.

8.Fires loudly in the new year to ward off bad luck
9.Light it at exactly twelve o'clock in the turn of the year to ward off evil spirits.

10.Wear clothes that are fun in color and have round designs to greet the new year for good luck.

11.It’s better to see money on New Year’s Day than to spend it.

12.To make life prosperous, put a dozen round fruits on the table to greet the new year.

13.At exactly twelve o'clock of the new year he jumped three times to get taller.

14.Make sure the containers of rice and salt are full as the new year approaches so that the coming year will be prosperous.

  • Christmas Superstitions


1.The child born on Christmas day has good fortune waiting.

2.Anyone who dies on Christmas day goes straight to heaven because the door of heaven is open.

3.Avoid wearing new shoes on Christmas day.

4.Bring good luck when Christmas day is windy.

5.The harvest will be good when there are many stars in the sky on Christmas day.

6.Godparents will be blessed to give big gifts on Christmas day.

  • Fairy and Elf Superstitions

1.Before throwing hot water on the ground, first signal to the elves. When they are devastated, they may retaliate by giving you pain.

2.Before stepping on a mountain of ants, first apologize. Otherwise, you will be toyed with by a spirit.
Turn the dress over when lost because fairies are playing with it.

3.Don't pee on the mound and the fairies will retaliate.

4.Do not destroy or cut down a ballet tree because it is home of enchanted and other fairy spirits.

5.Do not whistle or sing in the forest lest you be imitated by fairies and cause your illness.

6.Avoid cutting down trees believed to be inhabited by fairies because they will return you.

7.The person suffering from the disease who does not know the source must be discharged because he or she may be disturbed, disturbed or possessed.

8.When the only lands are satisfied, they are provided with food.

9.When going out with your friends, especially at night, you should always be together as a group of equal numbers. If your number is not equal, one of you will be taken by the spirits to make the number equal.

10.The elves take the clothes that have been left hanging at night.

11.People who have witchcraft get worse when they are treated by a doctor.

12.Bring ginger to some places so as not to be harmed by the fairies.

13.Put ginger on your body when you visit places that other people do not go often, so that you do not fall into the hands of evil spirits in that area.

14.Put garlic hearts around the house to keep the ghost out.

15.Set aside if the ancestors pass by the mound and they might get angry they will retaliate by giving them pain.

  • Good Friday Superstitions

Source google

1.The egg laid on Good Friday does not rot.

2.Do not make any noise on Good Friday.

3.Don’t go out on Thursdays and Good Fridays because evil fairies come out on these days to hurt people.

4.Do not take a bath on Good Friday.

5.When you bury a black cat alive on Good Friday, go back and dig it up on Good Friday next year so that its bones become an amulet.

  • Bathing Superstitions


1.Do not take a bath before gambling.

2.Do not bathe when you are hungry.

3.Do not take a bath after eating.

4.Do not bathe at night because the blood will turn white.

5.Do not take a bath after church.

6.Do not take a bath on Friday.

7.Do not bathe on the day of the feast of St. Lazarus.

8.Do not bathe in the afternoon and evening when the woman has monthly visits.

9.Do not take a bath in the afternoon.

10.Do not bathe on the thirteenth day of the month.

11.Do not bathe in the full moon.

12.Do not bathe in when there is a rainbow.

13.Do not bathe on the first Friday of the month.

Those are the myths of of my filipino culture. Although those myths are not being 100% guaranteed true but there are some of superstitions belief that are real. I dont know how they base those superstitions but one thing i can say is. It is only an extra careful to us, yet God is still the one who knows of everything.

But still we respect that as our ancestors believe that. Still God is the more powerful of all.

I hope you enjoy reading......

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3 years ago
