Ramblings on Shawshank Redemption

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2 years ago
Topics: Movie, Film, Review, Rambling, Writing, ...

Yesterday I watched the movie The Shawshank Redemption for the nth time. I love the film that's why I keep on coming back. Maybe, I feel empathy towards Andy Dufresne. The physical and sexual abuse by 'The Sisters' was hinted in Red's narration but I think it was the emotional shock that did more damage to him. Cool headed protagonist are the great because they think before they make an action. To add more, Dufresne is an intellectual. Being on point and not wasting valuable time of others is very likable, at least for me. There is something subtly threatening about the aura. Still water runs deep as they say. Well, these people usually lack enthusiasm that make them look boring, but that is okay. Communication is important as expressing thoughts and feelings is indispensable for us humans. But sometimes what we search for couldn't be found by making noises, sometimes the answers lie in stillness.

It's funny that alot of opinions say that the movie is overrated. It's very ironic when it was an outcast on it's first release back in 1994. With more popular choices like Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, Lion King etc. the film was more like a substitute when tickets run out for these popular ones. A second choice or maybe a third one at worst. The lack of beautiful leading ladies didn't appeal much to the masses. Who would want Rita Hayworth's poster as an eye candy for most of the film? There was also Marilyn and Racquel but yes, they were all on print. Prison life is something I don't want to experience. I bet most of us don't. But you know I have this friend who was really impoverish back in the days. He was a good person but life was not that to him. One time he mentioned that getting in jail would be heaven to him. Free accommodation and you'd eat three times a day. It's funny there are good people wanted to go to jail because they can't afford to live a normal life here in the open. Thankfully, my friend found his break a couple of years ago. He's now married and stable. Hope is something we would find when we need it but there are often times we didn't realize that it's within us. When everyone thought Andy would commit suicide he escaped. He kept his hope for 19 years and that was amazing. Man was digging for a long time with his rock hammer. The walls were vulnerable, if it's made with quality cement the hammer wouldn't carve through. Maybe that's a subtle idea hinting prison corruption. Well, being smart and lucky is an excellent plot armor. The film is great. I don't know about you but it's definitely in my top 5 best films of all time.



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Avatar for LordKingPotato
2 years ago
Topics: Movie, Film, Review, Rambling, Writing, ...
