"Money", a consequence of love

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2 years ago

Today I want to write a little bit about something that usually causes feelings with different nuances, it is a very sensitive subject that can put you in a bad mood, cause happiness or despair, as the case may be; but it can also generate a better awareness to optimize the relationship with that "something" for which many struggle day by day.

Let's take some time to talk about money: that piece of paper full of symbols, figures and stamps, backed by the gold reserves of a given country and for which we go to work every day.

Money, a powerful energy

We all know that money is a powerful and important energy that has moved the world since ancient times, it is capable of generating and injecting strength, just by the fact of having a nominal value expressed, making every human being revolve around it. That is why it is necessary for us to be aware of what money means in our lives.

One of the most sold ideas in all societies is the promise that if we are millionaires, we can possess everything we need, transform our life and that of our loved ones for the one we dream of; but we also find the premise that being rich is bad and that it is not possible to be happy with money since it perverts, incites greed and illegality; however, in particular I consider that both versions are wrong.

We can also have the feeling that money is distributed in a badly distributed way: wealth and poverty united in a planet that is immersed in different State policies that fight for sovereignty and freedom, as well as for personal or collective decisions that maintain a balance between both extremes.

There is no magic formula to become millionaires overnight, but there is a determination to work and get ahead.

What does money and relationships have to do with each other?

Have you realized that the money we have is because we have received it for someone, either for a service rendered, a work relationship, for expressing our talents, an inheritance, etc., therefore, our wallet contains an energy of relationship, because just as we receive, we can give it to another person; in this cyclical way that energy is kept in constant movement according to your needs.

Because it is an energy based on relationship, it is important that its origin has an order within our life, in this way we can know if what we have is a cause or a consequence of our actions.

Take care of your relationship with money

Now, a very important question, what is your relationship with money; many times people feel that because they do not have money they do not get to be what they want, either because they do not have the "opportunity" to prosper and they throw themselves to do anything, regardless of the scheme of personal values; we can also see those who are in a legal and stable employment relationship, when from his gut that person does not like what he does, he is forced to go to a scheme established by society as "normal", eating away at his being. In both cases they become slaves in that insatiable search for success, "whatever it takes".

Money, a manifestation of love

When we find ourselves in the middle of a toxic relationship with money, we are not only trapped by the way to get it, we also become slaves in other aspects: we are always buying the affection of others, we strive to get the most expensive gift, to provide the most exquisite dinner, to please those who stay at home when we decide to migrate by necessity but not by conviction; socially we can be seen as the best human beings on the entire planet, but that slavery has a cost: living absent, away from our family, our home, our country.

We can heal any kind of relationship, if we know our talents and set our limits, find our true center and connect in mind, soul and spirit with our heart.

For many years I was immersed in a work relationship that I loved madly, I dedicated the best years of my youth to develop the skills that my institution provided, I have been very happy with what I received in compensation either for a salary or for recognition. Now, time has passed and I feel that it is no longer the same, many things have changed that no longer make me happy, so I have made the decision to retire from my job; however, I have found another source of work inspiration, where I can develop my learned talents and continue to generate personal welfare and from there, I can lovingly enjoy the joy of sharing with my family.

I do not consider myself an exceptional person, we can all have financial problems at any given moment, but when we have faith in our Source (God), who does not abandon us and who in one way or another opens our heart to know our weaknesses and strengths, we can find a way to move forward in a loving way and with a learning process that will bring as a consequence a set of feelings of well-being and success.

Poverty does not exist, lack is what does not allow you to grow. Change your energy and you will change your world...!!!!

Author: @LeticiaPereira

Photos: Provided by Unsplash

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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2 years ago


Money becomes very important

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Money brings power and power brings everything bro.

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2 years ago