Not everyone will understand your process and pattern, and a lot of times people don’t want you to talk about the money you earn or the success you’ve had, the accolades and the things you’ve accomplished and people don’t want to hear mention it because they call it bragging.. The reason why is because hearing about the things you’re happy about, hearing about your success makes those particular people feel less about their life and that’s a personal problem but when you share something good and it’s from the right place not to make anybody feel bad and it’s not also to put anybody down but it’s because you genuinely happy.
You are truly happy with the results with whatever it is in your heart because you know outrightly speaking you could have been homeless, you could have been dead, you could have been lost without a course and you can’t feel bad about your growth and also when you are changing for the better, you can’t feel bad about celebrating your wins as long as your heart is in the right place when you do it.
A lot of people wouldn’t understand that either, but you are I n control of what defines your life, your gifts and your purpose... you’re still figuring the will for your life and you’re gotta be okay understanding not everybody’s going to understand or get it or even like you what you will represent is who you are intended to be for and be okay with it...
Some people you meet along the way are going to judge based on their insecurities and people will confuse your selfless act for arrogance, but it’s really a reflection of how they see themselves and not you. When you are always explaining you’d get tired because more questions begat more and more... And when they try to tell you what you ought to do irrespective of it being your struggle, you then have to look at your image directly at the mirror and define your happiness, joy and life..
Appreciate those who do understand that you’re only trying to help them get to their peak, and your testimony is only to maintain the mission and not to alter it, and those who will support will and respect your process always.. So please do not envy but rather find contentment and peace in whatever season you’re in and even when you earn little or close to nothing you have a conviction that it will work together for your good...
For writers on here, you see them keeping us updated, the main reason is to let you understand the process and also coach you towards the right path... learn to understand the message within and you will equally win and stay winning...
In Conclusion, celebrate with whomever that is thankful for holding on this long and always see their process as an open door to get to yours...
God bless you my friends...
Happy weekend.
you always know I appreciate you all for your support... Thanks for showing up...
November 2021
...and you will also help the author collect more tips.
Very interesting article, I liked it. I agree with you, many people without life projects, looking and copying other people's projects. envy moves many people. What I have learned from my triumphs and failures is to get up and go on. Every day has its value. I celebrate it just for the fact that I can breathe. I am grateful for that. Greetings to you.