Have you ever wondered where suiciders end up after life?

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2 years ago

Hello wonderful world!

It's Sunday here and we usually go with this greetings "Happy Sunday", I know you're enjoying yourself there, keep it up.

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We all know that life is hard, the world is no longer the way it used to be, everything single thing has changed, cost of living is becoming unbearable, crisis here and there, wars and battles between communities every now and then, but in all these we are still doing our best to succeed because giving up is not an option

No one wants to die!

Yes we know that death is inevitable but I bet you, if you're being faced with death, you'll shiver. A lot of people go about saying they don't fear death but on a real sense when death comes knocking on the door, the bold Spirit of fear will relax in the center of their heart, except those "Hausa motorcyclist" in Lagos that don't know death is real (they drive bike without conscious of accident).

Economy is bad, the cost of living is choking everyone because cost of things are on high prices while the money we are being paid(salaries) are not well enough to match it, you'll see people complaining with bitterness with words such as "I'm tired of this life" but in a real sense when death present itself for them to leave the world, they'll still choose to stay on earth amidst the difficulties.

There are wars between countries, battles between communities and People involved will be crying to end the world so that everyone will go back to another world or possibly start life afresh, but in the midst of crying for the world to end, they still secure their lives, hidding not to get caught by stray bullets. No one wants to die.

You'll see someone in the hospital bed, receiving treatment on a chronic disease and want the world to end because the pain is unbearable but when someone propephecy to him or her that he'd die the next Morning, I bet you, he/she would start praying not to die,,,even in the midst of pains.

A lady would get heart broken by her fiance, crying out her heart because of the deep wound on her heart, and she'll start thinking of ending her life because her life appears miserable but at that moment if you tell her that you saw a prophecy and she'll die the next day...her heart won't be at peace again. Infact, she'll prefer to leave on earth and suffer many Heartbreaks than to die and go to either hell or heaven(how is she sure that heaven is real for her? Lol

That shows that no one wants to die

This is a good reminder that even though life is troublesome, life is difficult and challenging, leaving the earth so early is not what anyone is wishing for.

No problem lasts forever, the challenges you're facing today have been encountered by numerous people and they survived it. I remember when I was battling to graduate from high school, passing English & Mathematics became a big issue, no single student passed these two subjects in my set, a lot of us did external exams but it remained the same...it was as if the kingdom of hell was against everyone in my set because a lot of us know Mathematics. We would pass all the subjects but when it comes to English & Mathematics failure was always around. At a time I concluded that the world hate me because I've spent a lot of money registering for multiple exams, I almost gave up on school but when the miracle happened, it was earthshaking! That's how the life is, no problem last forever!

Maybe you've seen your loved ones die and you feel like there's nothing worth living for again, I know it's painful but one thing I know is that, as far as the earth continue to exist, there are people that still need us around.

Say No to suicide! You might end up in a more miserable place

Have you ever wondered where suiciders end when they die? I mean whether they end up in hell or heaven?.

Image source

Now imagine if taking your life to end your suffering on this Earth and finally finds yourself in a pit of fire with torment (hell)? That's from frying pan to fire.

Suicide has never been an option to any problem, taking one's life is telling God that He made a mistake by creating you.

Depression is real, no doubt about that but please try and have people you open up to once in a while. Don't allow the things happening to send you to early grave.


I'm not a good writer of motivational articles but I hope this touches your heart.

Thanks for reading

31st July 2022

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Written by
2 years ago


Well, I won't actually blame them for commiting suicide, they aren't exactly thinking straight before taking their life and I guess that's why they don't even think about where they will end up after death, that's what depression does to people

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Everyone who thinks about suicide or death they do not want but such circumstances occured which push them to do so

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Other people think that to end their suffering here on earth suicide is the solution without thinking about their afterlife.

$ 0.01
2 years ago