Life Of Seen And Unseen Forces

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Avatar for Judithgatta
1 year ago
Topics: Nigeria

IN MY COUNTRY, many are making it easily, many are making it while trying, many are making it with difficulty while many are not making it at all.... the forces are either seen and unseen.... seen forces like corruption, bad governance, lack of education, peer pressure...most times they are not the people's choice, they just happen because of what others had caused. many dreams are destroyed because there is no hope for them, they try all things to be able to meet up ends means but the seen forces make it more difficult for them. the voices of the people can't be heard by external forces because the seen forces are telling them the opposite. Now we ask ourselves who can save us from this dilemma even our heroes can't save us with their swords, No words of motivation to guide the youth... No example to follow. The people are tired of not making it, they can't go into illegal activities because the seen forces calls it a crime but when the seen forces do something illegal it's the law.

WHO SHALL WE BLAME FOR SEEN FORCES, it is a matter of time before we can decide who can save us but we can't get to the solution if the problem is still there....who shall we blame; is it the colonial master who didn't set the ground well before they left, did they give it to the right set of people, but what we should ask ourselves is where we conciseness ready for this rapid change

ARE THE VOICES OF THE PATRIOTIC YOUTH HEARD? in my country, when the youth organise a peaceful protest is called "TERRORISM" but when terrorists kill innocent people they are justified. may the soul of those who lost their lives in the END SARS protest rest in peace(20th October 2020; 6:50 pm) the seen forces made our mothers cry out their hearts. how can we love our country when our lives are at risk when we speak our minds "section39(1) of the Federal Republic Of Nigeria constitution. we have constitution which is to protect its citizen's right but the seen forces never follow it in the interest of the people but they follow it for themselves

RELIGION( ARE SEEN FORCES!) the colonial master brought religion to be able to tie us down and to avoid revenge from us, so we won't fight back when we wanted to, they said it is said "forgive your neighbour as yourself" things were going out of hand but we could not stand against our creator. I am not against God but we felt like slaves in our Own land. Now the colonial masters are not with us but the seen forces are using them against us, when we want to fight back we hear 'behave the way you preach' our religious leaders say nothing about the situation we don't know if they are for us or against us. "GOOD TIMES MAKE GOOD PEOPLE, BAD TIMES MAKE BAD PEOPLE" WHO CAN SAVE US"

UNSEEN FORCES; ARE WE BEHAVING RIGHT,HOW IS OUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS ONE ANOTHER, OUR CHARACTER, DO WE LOVE EACH OTHER, ARE WE THERE FOR ONE ANOTHER, HOW DO WE RELATE WITH OUR FELLOW MATE: we should respect each other's fundamental right not only within our base but both within and outside our base. we should have a strong bond between us; if we can do that who will against us. respect towards all human beings enhance healthy and proper survival within the natural environment....let us learn to promote this "TREAT ME GOOD AND I WILL TREAT YOU BETTER

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Avatar for Judithgatta
1 year ago
Topics: Nigeria
