Watching Videos to be more productive (How the way you watch videos can make your life worse ll)

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2 years ago

How to get where you want in Youtube

In the previous article of this series I've talked about the dangers of using powerful video media platforms such as Youtube in a wrong manner, explaining how they are specifically designed to provide you with the content they think interests you at that moment and making a great void of information that can distract you from your real focus and take so much time, enjoyment and potential from you. To define this better I used the term "passive consumer" to describe a person without real sense of direction as they navigate through these little worlds in the internet, at the end avoiding what they really have to do by spending all their valuable hours in pointless subjects. Now I will talk about the opposite, an active consumer, someone that knows what he/she wants and doesn't let him/herself be derailed from their objective, using these websites in a more mindful manner and finally getting the most out of them. Let's portrait some strategies to make the transition from a passive consumer to an active consumer.

1.- Divide your Productive time and Leisure Time

We all know that there's a separate time to work and to rest, however, the lines between these two can get really blurry If we decide to procrastinate or let ourselves be distracted by an external event for too long, opting for the same resources that we use to educate ourselves (Videos in Youtube for example) for the opposite of It. One way to fix this is to be responsible and respect the time for both productive endeavours and just having fun in the internet, setting If necessary different accounts for this purpose.

2.- Know what you want

As Obvious as It might look, heading into youtube without knowing what you want to watch is like going to the mall with your wallet full and not knowing what to buy, you'll end up with a lot of things that you don't need and honestly even wanted in the first place, though in the constant little decisions forced upon you as you visited each store you ended purchasing them. This analogy works perfect for videos, where If you just click in a random type of video, scroll through the comments, listen for a little and then go into the recommendated section you will head to Its rabbithole fast. That's why knowing beforehand what's the type of information you really want to watch can be so important, as It provides you with just what to seek in the searchbar and can avoid you more distractions.

3.- Hide The Feed

One thing I've used recently for focusing better when I watch videos and not be distracted is to just hide everything in the feed of the pages I visit during my work time. How do I do this? Well, there are different ways in which you can do this, though the one I employed was through adblock. By just pressing right click and then heading to the adblock component in the list displayed and then clicking in "hide something from this page" You'll be able to take off how much you like from the page for the sake of focusing better.

I hope that with the information delivered in the second part of this series of articles I can enhance, even If It's a little, the way you use great platforms of information for your benefit, saving you many hours wasted in unproductive behaviour and making much more rewarding to watch funny videos in youtube after a day of uninterrumped work and learning. Thank you for your support and Good Luck!

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2 years ago
