BCH is the peoples currency of the future, I am one of those people, You can be too......

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Written by
3 years ago

Forget all the mumbo jumbo you've heard about passive incomes and getting money for nothing, that ship literally doesn't exsist anymore, if it did in fact ever.

However there are Many platforms that I will go into in a little bit that are definitely worth your attention and will allow you to earn a small bit of bitcoin cash and some other crypto currencies daily and if you are extremely lucky you may make enough to to build a new career, reinvest, stake, trade or just simply “HODL”. That choice is basically yours, but first.......


EARN FREE BITCOINEmpathis is on the word Earn”

Its worth “NOTING” that bitcoin began its journey at a valuation of only $0.0008 in 2009 and has since risen by 47,476,000 % to todays value of roughly $47779.96, that would have been a very profitable days work back then, if you had held onto it.


Just remember that whatever you earn today through a little dedication and perseverance will grow and expand day by day to become valuable time spent, I know it's nice to earn something and be encouraged to continue and that will come as you emerse yourself into earning as you learn by using the tried and tested fomula's used by those poineers that have become established in the BCH community, I am far from there myself but the all important thing for me is that I have started and will continue to write about my progress as I move forward.


This month will be my first complete month using these methods that I have researched and I have found these techniques to be a good solid starting point, I will keep you up to date as the weeks progress, leading up to a conclusion at the start of next month and each month thereafter,

I push forward now helping to build and promote an amazing BCH community and ecosystem that I believe in and it would also be worth pointing out the benefits of building such a community that benefits all its people and not just those at the top, what better place to spend your time than around like minded people all happy to help each other grow mentally, spiritually and financially in the cryptoverse.


EARN FREE BITCOIN “AGAIN” Empathis is on the word Earn”


It's fair to say if you are looking for a get rich quick strategy that you are almost certainly barking up the wrong tree.

BCH and the people behind it seem to be of one mind when it comes to creating a financial system of the people for the people and there are financial aids available for those seeking to advance this agenda by creating BCH based businesses or businesses that help other businesses to adopt to using BCH on a daily basis and there is no geographical exceptions to this aid as BCH is a global currency.


So lets get you started as above I explained a little bit about financial aid, I will go into them in more detail at the end, first I want to discuss BCH backed social media sites or plattforms as I like to call them that pay you to read, write, comment and share articles and posts, These are as follows


  1. PublishOX is a blogging site which pays you a small amount daily to read blogs, tipping them with 3 well know forms of cryptocurrency “Ethereum” “Amplforth” and “Farm” allowing you to earn from every tip given from a daily allowance and secondly from writing your own articles each day that others may tip you for if you write interesting and honest articles. NO PLAGERISM ALLOWED, this is a big NO, NO accounts get immediately removed for this .

  2. Read.Cash is another form of blogging site that allows its writers to earn “BCH” through satisfied readers giving you tips and also by sharing the work of other writers that you find interesting and through an Affiliate program. “AgainPLAGERISM IS NOT ALLOWED.

  3. Noise.Cash is a bit more link twitter in its early days, you get paid in “BCH” for posting noises and just recently renoises by those that like your noises, it helps to be original and post intersting noises.READ THE RULES They have a strict no begging for tips or tip for tip policy, doing either will almost certainly see you removed

  4. Torum.Com I like the Idea behind this one, you get missions to complete daily, weekly, monthly and all time missions which you receive XTM for you can also send and receive gift of various values similar to NFTs

Now for those that feel they may have a wonderful business Idea, one that will benefit the growth of the BCH global community there is the following BCH Crowdfunding and Fundraising options, I wrote about earlier, these platforms provide a wealth of opportunity for the right Idea's. It is however helpful to build up your community following on the BCH social media platforms first as you will want as many people as possible to see your amazing Idea if you want them to invest these are.


  1. Flipstarter.Cash A crowdfunding platform geared towards helping new businesses that will aid the expansion of BCH acceptance on a global scale, even the smallest of businesses will no doubt play a significant part, new businesses that aid other business to adopt BCH and from what I can gather even humanitarian work, A Great Idea an thats half the battle.

  2. Fundme.Cash A Fundraising platform again based around BCH and geared towards similar goals as above.


Finally to subscribe to any off the above platforms simply CLICK THE LINK if you have any difficulties or have any questions feel free to ask.


Again as always have a wonderful #BCHDAY


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$ 4.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 2.00 from @Ellie
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Written by
3 years ago
Enjoyed this article?  Earn Bitcoin Cash by sharing it! Explain
...and you will also help the author collect more tips.


Nice! Thanks for posting this article. Would you have any insight or perhaps reference an article of any existing scams on any of these platforms? Would appreciate it a lot and thanks again!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

At present I havent found any direct links to exsisting scams on any of these platforms I reference, I never add platforms to my articles that I have tried and been disappointed with, and I can honestly say their were many. I would however say always be vigilant if something sounds too good too be true more often than not it is, I try to be as honest as possible when reviewing platforms or writing reviews about platforms because I understand only too well the dissapointment and frustration with time and or money spent on a worthless endevour, If you have a specific query about a platform please feel free to contact me, I will be happy to look into it, as it is very important to me that the people that read my posts can believe in what I write and the platforms I review, if my review is positive. I hope this answers your question to your satifaction, If not please let me know. Have a #BCHDAY and thank you for your reploy

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is so informative. Thank so much for this. I will bookmark this for future purposes. I will use the other platsforms that you shared here in your article soon. Again, thank you for this @Jaxson. 🤗✨

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are so welcome, glad you will find these links useful, we are stronger together as one community, striving to help each other Thank you for the kind message

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cool! It's nice seeing all the ways to earn crypto, and I hope that it's more widely accepted as a true currency in the future. Is mining still profitable, though?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mobile mining not so much, but it accumulates, but the mining rigs can still turn reasonable from if you have the money to purchase that kinda equipment, your overhead costs of running a rig can be anywhere up to 80% off mined crypto you get

$ 0.00
3 years ago