Love, truth or stupidity!

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3 years ago

What is love? A straightforward answer to this is that love is an emotion whose usefulness is undeniable and its importance cannot be denied. We can also say that love is a ray of light that contains innumerable colors. But when it is passed through the glass manifesto of emotions, innumerable beautiful colors burst forth and innumerable emotions grow in these colors.

Love is the passion of life that many people consider the most powerful passion, we all want it and you can see it everywhere. But is love an addiction? According to science, this is quite possible. In fact, the fire of love is felt from head to toe and you start to feel more warm and faint around you. And more than that, it can change the way you think and act. So know the unique effects of love that affect your body and mind and which have been confirmed by science.

Two bodies, one soul, two hearts, one desire and two minds, one concept, there is no such thing as fear in love. Rather, complete love uproots fear. All are born for love. This is the basic principle of our existence. Love is the sweetest thing that compels man to do the most difficult things. Were it not for this, the path of sacrifice would have been blocked in the world in general. Love gives us nothing but itself and love takes nothing from us except itself. Love is such a dreamy word. Like flowing on the waves of the moon, like flying on the wind, slowly sinking in the sea of ​​desires, the same passion with which one jumps into the fire, one climbs the cross.

What is love? This question has been asked in every age and in every society and from all walks of life since Rosaval till today and everyone has been praising and interpreting love from their own point of view. Anyone who reached the level of love based on his experiences and observations said that it is love. To date, there has been no comprehensive definition of love that is acceptable to people of all walks of life. I think as much praise has been given to love to this day, it should be accepted as acceptable and correct. Love is an emotion, a condition, and whoever has felt that state or emotion is the same love.

Some people divide love into different types, although it is not possible to divide love, but if we accept their opinion, we can say that a mother loves her children as well as a teacher loves her students. Loves, even a creator loves his creation and sometimes it goes beyond human relationships, the human child is also a creation, the most beautiful and priceless creation of nature because it is said that Allah The Almighty loves His servant more than his mother.

When a newcomer falls in love, he begins to feel great joy and happiness and it has nothing to do with meeting his beloved at all. It is not strange, but scientists at the Albert Einstein Medical College in New York A brain scan of the arrested students revealed that it activates the same brain system that occurs when taking cocaine. It makes the person in love feel relieved. So this is not madness, this is the work of our brain.

For which people abdicate thrones. Swim on raw horses. They die and become immortal. A pure passion whose every form is respectable, every aspect is adorable. True love demands sacrifice anyway. Selfless love transcends physical contact. The real relationship is with the souls. Which is not disconnected from being far away. For those who live close to the heart, everything is given up. Love is a higher and purer emotion. Love is patient and kind. Love does not envy. Love does not do good Love does not boast. Love does not deceive Naziba doesn't work.

To me, love is a journey from survival to annihilation. In this journey, the traveler has to drown in the waves of the fast flowing river with a pitcher, while someone has to be buried in the sand of the hot desert. Or somewhere you have to hang on the board with the slogan of Anna-ul-Haq. These are all tests and in the journey from survival to annihilation in love, every traveler has to go through these tests. These levels have to be determined. These are the ranks and in this journey one rank after another is obtained.

However, along with these loves, the poets have also created another love, this is the love that we hear about from more or less every young person nowadays, this love has a deep connection with the oppressive society, but it is better to say so. Both their bras are with the skirt. A poet has also defined love as: A word of love is a lowly myth If the heart is in love, then it is time.

Love at least makes you unaware of your surroundings. According to a study published in 2013, people who fall in love fail to focus more on the task at hand and accomplish it. Their difficulty is exacerbated when they have to work at a particular time.

She does not want to lose her dignity. There is no suspicion. Love is the truth Love has been an established fact in every age. It is like a helpless tube lying in the sea, which rises as it is pressed down. His hobby is playing with the stormy waves of the sea. Love is not about someone wanting it and wanting it in return. Love is the name of burning alone in someone's memory. Love is not the name of gaining someone but the name of losing.

And so after every stage there is a test, after every test there is a rank. Even the one who takes the test and gives the rank is not unfamiliar with love. Love is the cause of the creation of the universe and he is the first lover in this whole universe. Who created this universe in a few days for the sake of his beloved. It also proved that love is the name of an incomparable and universal spirit. Love is as holy, pure and authentic as the scriptures that came down from heaven. There can be no doubt about a reliable spirit like love. Doubt is evidence of weak faith and those whose faith is weak are not given ranks. The thorny bushes of hatred grow in the hearts where the seeds of doubt fall, not the flowers of faith.

It is a matter of old times that man only loved, now he has many more things to do, now it is up to you to decide whether to love or do the things of the world, a young man of sixteen or seventeen will surely say that both Things can happen at the same time, but history has shown that these two things cannot happen at the same time. Love only demands love. By the way, if this spirit is used properly, then with the courage and perseverance of Farhad, Can be taken, the moon can be conquered.

It is not surprising that two best friends become enemies of each other by liking a girl, but what are the reasons for this intense hatred in the name of love? Do you know that According to a study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, the answer lies in the part of brain hormones that deals with aggression and self-loathing. Research has shown that when a person falls in love, he or she becomes aggressive towards his or her loved one. In fact, when you fall in love with someone, these hormones start to provoke your brain to protective aggression and you are ready to defend your beloved now, even if he is a rival, in a tragic event, even in sadness.

We don't see people when they are around. They don't even think about it. But when they break up, you realize how close the distance is. Because every moment that comes out is remembered. The boy's love for the moon is true. But he still fails to find the moon. Why is that Love is a great force in the universe. Love is the beauty of the universe. Love is invincible But sometimes it is defeated. Sold under duress

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Written by
3 years ago
