Restaurant of Insects

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3 years ago

Insects restaurant has been established in some parts of the world. One of them is Bugs cafe in Cambodia, a country in Southeast Asia. The exceptional restaurant played in Siem Reap, a popular tourist area of the country. Food is made by mixing Insects in many traditional dishes. And in this work they are using Spiders,shuapek, dots, grasshopper, bees etc.

Ant spring roll (ant roll)

Silkworm star croquettes ( made with wool)

Sweet potato cream with bee larvae ( made with bee worm)

Cricket cheesecake dessert ( made with jhiji insect)

The waiters at the restaurant have T- Shirts with "I Hate Insects " written on them,where Hate's "H" is cut in red. In other words, the original text stands for "I ate Insects ".

Thanks to @Dreamer

$ 0.00
