Women in the pulpit,Whats the Bible’s view?

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"After hundreds of years with only men on the podium, why the ongoing debate?" It is generally accepted that the women's liberation movement was the main force. Feminist writers argue that women are equally qualified and that "a change of tradition seems absolutely necessary".

Indeed, the possibility of “abolishing tradition” seems to be a major issue in the controversy. Instead, the first problem shouldn't be: who gives God the responsibility to teach the church? Yes, instead of researching man-made traditions, consider the Bible's point of view.

Jesus loved people, including women. Unlike the Pharisees and others, he treated women with respect and willingly taught them. Women were faithful to him and were the first to see him after his resurrection.

Nothing in the Gospels suggests that Jesus prevented women from telling others about the “good news” of salvation. Indeed, after about 120 men and women poured out the Spirit of God at Pentecost, Peter quotes Joel: “I [God] will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and daughters will prophesy. (Acts 1:14; 2: 1-18; Joel 2:28, 29) So in the early church men and women willingly shared their new hope with all who would hear it.

On the other hand, we must carefully consider the biblical use of the Greek word ákònos. It is sometimes used generically by one of the sexes to "serve" or "serve" the other. Apparently, this is how Paul talks about "our sister Phoebe, who is a maid [the maid]". (Rom 16: 1; Luke 8: 1-3) However, in many passages the word clearly refers to a specific position in the congregation: a vicarious pastor.

The list of requirements for this official position includes: "Let officials be the wives of a woman." The same is true of those with spiritual oversight called "elders" or "supervisors." An elder of the parish would be "a man who runs his house well". (1 Tim. 3: 2-4, 8, 12) Let the baptized occupy both leadership positions in the church.

The Christian-Greek scriptures are very clear on this subject. Paul writes, "I do not allow a woman to teach [the church] or exercise authority over a man." (1 Tim. 2:11, 12.) But he also says that women have the capacity to teach, because it encourages mature women to "be teachers of what is good for the" girls. " Why can women do this outside of the Church? Was the apostle Paul “anti-woman” as some claim?

This reasoning ignores a basic biblical teaching: leadership. Paul was in harmony with Peter and other Bible writers when he wrote, “But I want you to know that the head of each one is Christ; the head of the woman is again the man; The head of Christ is in turn God ”- 1 Cor. 11: 3; 1 domestic animal. 3: 1.

God alone does not have his head on him; Everyone does it. Given the number of men who have abused their leadership, it is not surprising that some women are calling for equality. In reality, however, God provided this leadership arrangement for the benefit of all. As?

Jehovah created families for the most intimate aspects of life. To ensure the happiness and security of all, stability and unity would be essential. Of course, a member must give instructions. Jehovah has given this responsibility to mankind. He also ordered the man to "love his wife as he loves himself," to accept and honor her.

If a woman needs her husband's guidance at home, how can she take leadership of the men and women in the ward? What if an old man and an "old woman" got married?

Those who defend women “at the pulpit” want us to believe that due to prevailing social practice, Jesus had few apostles among the twelve. But Jesus acted according to God's original purpose. In Eden, Adam was the head of Eve even before she fell into sin.

Does this divine pattern restrict women and make Christians second class, as some claim? Today, the word "submission" is often associated with "inferiority." But the Bible and the Christian life teach us that we will find happiness only if we submit to Jehovah's will and seek our place in this arrangement.

In addition, the apostle Paul is often underrepresented in relation to women. Not only did he write a lot about how women should be loved and respected, he also repeatedly complimented and praised the sisters individually. (Rom. 16: 3, 4, 6, 12) And it was the same apostle who wrote the verse most often quoted by the "priestess." He explains: “There are no Jews or Greeks, there are no slaves or free men, there are no men or women; for you are all united with Christ Jesus. ”- Gal. 3:28.

This writing reveals a deep truth in its context. The heavenly class is not limited to men but includes women. Above all, it truly proclaims God's positive view of women, a view that Christ and Paul faithfully reflect.

While churches are moving in many directions on this issue, Christian women would do well to follow biblical teaching. They are not "deleted" during the process. They find true happiness by offering "spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God." Most importantly, they receive God's blessings. - 1 Peter. 2: 5.

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