Its Okay not to be okay.

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Written by
2 years ago

Many times in people's lives when things don't go as planned,people become paranoid, they become restless , they become short of ideas, they would start on reevaluation of their self worth.......

But come on , it okay not to be okay.

It's simply a part of life . You know 🙃,life would be boring without challenges🤪. Just imagine there was not a thing worth fighting for,if there was no joy and happiness to look forward to , if there was no expectation of increase, progress....😬🤐.

Did you imagine it, for me it is definitely terrible.

Going through @HappyBoy article titled relationship without trust is dead. It was an eye opener on my views concerning trust. And I also receive clarification why some of my relationship don't work out. It simply because I don't have expectations from that relationship, most likely I don't want to be vulnerable to that person .

So regardless of whether they are good or not as a person , I just act in love towards them expecting nothing from them whether good or bad. It's become boring 😴 for me and them and most times they just give up on the relationship , to them it feels like I am not trying 😶 .

@Matthew Hussey , he said "you don't trust that people won't betray you , you trust that if they do you can handle it ". This is me 100% 💯.

So it's okay if you experience hurt, it makes you better, even though I don't want to be vulnerable, I am still learning, but it's okay to be vulnerable sometimes 🤧.

So it's okay if you don't feel too good , just don't dwell on being sick forever. It's okay to not to have cash at the moment but don't plan to stay in poverty. It okay not be unemployed but have plans to get employment.

It's okay if people shun you,but have plans to be better towards other people.

So in conclusion don't let circumstances determine how your life should go. If you go through my written articles ,from; what do you believe down to my every article you would see I am an advocate for positivity. Things might not go right but come on. It's okay.

Closing this articles with the scriptures.

Jesus of good cheers I have overcome the world ,greater is he that is in you than he I the world.🥳🥳🥳🥳


I know I have been Awire (Absent for a while). Work has been so busy that when I do get break ,I would not want to use my brain , I just wanted to relax.

So I apologise for my absence.

Month of September as being indeed a month of possibilities and opportunities 🙌. My gratitude goes to God, my subscribers and Sponsors, you guys made my Month on God bless ya.

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I look forward to a better and beautiful 🤗ctober, you should too, the land is green 🥰🤑.

4th October ,2021.

$ 2.35
$ 2.32 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @HappyBoy
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Written by
2 years ago


Glad to see you back writing. It is indeed okay to not be okay as long as we don't give up. It is giving our souls time to heal and gather strength to face life again.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you. 😊. And yes looking forward to the future is what truly matters

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Healing from an hurtful past is the first step toward recovery. We need to move on and learn to trust again. Thanks for the mention ma'am.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, we need to learn to move forward. You are welcome 🙂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love your point that we shouldn't let circumstances determine how our life should go. And it's okay to be not okay so far we keep pushing and refuse to give up.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, very important, thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago