What is pain?

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2 years ago

Today we discuss about pain. Different people have different opinions about pain.some people say pain is conditions or state in which a person have highly unpleasant physical sensation occurred due to some abnormalities in the body functions. Pain have two categories that is acute or chroni .Acute pain is severe pain for a short time but the chronic pain is for long time.so people's have different thought or opinions about pain. I tell you about my experience in the classroom when we study about pain and othe medical terms. During this class I learn so much about pain .

During the class my teacher say that the Pain is a blessing. But some students not understand that the Pain is a blessing they asked the question sir please we not understand this places provide some datail about this .

Then my teacher say when we experience pain then we take medicine and to do something that relieve the pain.Some receptors are responsible for pain sensation in the human body. People face pain due to different abnormalities.Some have a road accident and have severe pain in different body parts. Some have abnormalities in the body chemical reaction that cause pain If these reaction not balance then they destroy life.so when we experience pain then we go to hospital or other medical center that provides care .If these receptors do not work properly. And our body functions do not maintain they can cause of death.In this content my teacher say that the pain is a blessing .

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