Anyone whom God counts as righteous -even though he is born a sinner- will be saved and would not suffer God's wrath or judgment along with the wicked because God is just. God will show mercy to those who fear and have faith and believe God.
God promised that seven days after they enter the ark, He will send rain to flood the earth. Do you think God will fulfill what He promised?
Because Noah believed God and His word.
Genesis 7:5,7,10,13-16 [5]So Noah did everything as the lord commanded him. [7]He went on board the boat to escape the flood—he and his wife and his sons and their wives. [10]After seven days, the waters of the flood came and covered the earth. [13]That very day Noah had gone into the boat with his wife and his sons—Shem, Ham, and Japheth—and their wives. [14]With them in the boat were pairs of every kind of animal—domestic and wild, large and small—along with birds of every kind. [15]Two by two they came into the boat, representing every living thing that breathes. [16]A male and female of each kind entered, just as God had commanded Noah. Then the lord closed the door behind them.
Because Noah had faith in God's ark, Noah and his family went into the ark and completely yielded themselves to the shelter of God's ark. This is Faith! Do you think the ark can save them from flood as God's promised? Do you think God will really send the rain to destroy the earth with flood?
God sent the rain as He promised. This was the first rain recorded in God's word. Noah and the people of his time had never seen rain before. What they thought was unbelievable and impossible to happen, but as it was God who promised it surely would happen. God will always Fulfill His Promises because He cannot lie. He is always able to do whatever He promised to do because God is All-Powerful.
Noah, his family and all creatures with him entered the ark and God Shut them in. Everyone who rejected God and did not believe in His word was shut out in the world that was about to be destroyed by flood. God did not call any of them who did not believe to enter the ark. Those who were being lost, because of their stubbornness and love for sinfulness, God Shut them out of the ark of Salvation.
Genesis 7:17,19-20,23 [17]For forty days the floodwaters grew deeper, covering the ground and lifting the boat high above the earth. [19]Finally, the water covered even the highest mountains on the earth, [20]rising more than twenty-two feet above the highest peaks. [23]God wiped out every living thing on the earth—people, livestock, small animals that scurry along the ground, and the birds of the sky. All were destroyed. The only people who survived were Noah and those with him in the boat.
Yes Allah is powerfull.we became hopeless but Allah is with us in every situation . HE made us we should trust in every situation.