Engagement 101

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3 years ago

Engagement is a step beyond going steady in the journey to marriage. It begins when the young man and young woman agree to marry and set a tentative date. A commitment by each to marry is made and definite plans begin to be made. Usually the boy proposes to the girl, but often the matter has been discussed previously in general terms. At this time, all matters concerning marriage and life together should be discussed frankly. It is a time for growing towards each other and for testing the satisfaction derived from being devoted solely to each other.

However, the major adjustments will come after the couple has united in Marriage. The couple should reevaluate the advisability of marriage. Sometimes engaged couples decide as they approach the wedding date that they have made a mistake. It is better to break the engagement than to have a bad or broken marriage. The final decision to marry is made during the engagement.

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3 years ago


It's beautiful I hope I get more beautiful writing. Please stay with me by comment like

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