The bathroom of horror

Avatar for Geri
Written by
3 years ago

This is not a fiction, these events actually happened, although i change some of the details for privacy reasons. Me, first time visiting a city and a dormitory. When we was about 16 years old, we went to a class trip to Budapest, the capital of Hungary. Almost none of us visited the capital before, so we were excited about the trip. This will be the first time we will experience a highly advanced city, compared to our agricultural-based obsolete habitat.

We went with a bus, took about half a day to get there. After than, we went to a giant shopping mall - this was the first time we visited a shopping mall (Campona). It was so giant, it had its own zoo inside the building. Previously, none of us saw a shopping mall, yet a shopping mall with a zoo. We felt something like Luke Skywalker could have felt when he left the Tatuin.

After that, we have experienced what an escalator is. It was very scary, all of us were jumping down at the end, being afraid that the mechanics would grind up our feet if we don't do it. And indeed, the ones who didn't jumped, observed a scary grinding at their feet at the end of the escalator line. At that day, we had encountered escalators multiple times, but we was so afraid from it that we tried to avoid places with escalators and similar technologies. The city dwellers looked at us in disbelief.

Then the night came, we went to a cinema. As you have probably guessed it, first time in our life (and in my case, also the last time). We used the metro to travel to the cinema (first time experiencing a metro), we have however had to walk back to our dorm after the movie. When we have arrived to the dormitory, after a quick registration, we have decided to take a shower, and go to bed.

The dorm was a giant and old building, the boys got roomed at the first floor on the left wing of the building, our female classmates were placed probably on the second floor. The teachers room was at the entrance of the corridor of the boys, it seems the girls was not guarded by teachers for some reason. We didn't understood the reason of this, as in this situation they usually guard girls, but we didn't thought too much of this.

So four boys, including me, really wanted to take a shower, however, we didn't found it. We started searching the shower in our corridor, then we started to look around at nearby corridors. Seemingly, there was no toilet, showering facility, bathroom, or anything near to us, so we was wandering in the building cluelessly for a few minutes, till we finally found the bathroom.

The bathroom looked like a modified cow washing facility in Auschwitz, which they have used to clean the Jews before they gas them. It was stinky, dirty, there was no way to separate us from each others while showering, it was just basically a few fixed shower heads spraying water into your face, like a communal prison shower facility. As we didn't planned to wash our hair, it was a little bit tricky to bath like this, i have successfully found a spot where i was able to do it. I don't know if this is normal for dorms or not, or just our dorm was shitty like this.

So the boys got naked and started showering, and after a few minutes, just before finishing the bath, we suddenly felt a strange presence in the showering room. We turned around, and there was indeed new people arrived into our communal shower. We just got surrounded by about twenty girls, all of them naked from their feet to their head. They were staring at us with the biggest nose-bleeding ara-ara owl faces i have ever seen, silently enjoying the view. Of course they was not our classmates, these was some random girls from the dorm.

-This is a female bathroom. - said one of the girls after a few seconds with an artificially calm voice.

All evidence pointed to that this is indeed a female bathroom. Well, you cant really stop bathing and run out from the bathroom, so we had to continue showering, as the girls also have started bathing.

After we have left the bathroom, we investigated the door, and it had no signs installed on it, indicating that this is a female bathroom. For a split second we was thinking that maybe the girls have removed the sign, to lure us into their nests, but that seemed quite unlikely. The another theory was that we ended up somehow in the girls section.

After we was searching our way back to our rooms (that was not an easy task either). We told the teachers about the strange events with the bathroom. Only at that point they have remembered to tell us a small detail about this dormitory. We havent found the boys bathroom, because there are no such thing exists. This was a girls-only dormitory all the way! We have accidentally ended up in a girls-only dormitory by a mistake. By the time they have realized the mistake, it was too late, so thats why the teachers room was positioned in such a tactical way, but it seems the efficiency of this method was far from perfect.

After that, the rest of the night was sort of event-less for us. However, our female classmates told a different story next day. The girls (not our classmates) were screaming enthusiastically all the night, some girls in the dormitory got drug overdose and the police questioned them, they falsely accused each other, also there was the ambulance out. One of the girl tossed large stones around, the girls were bullying and beating up each other all the night - of course, not our classmates, because our stronk villager girls would have grinded down the citygirls for the pigs in a fight.

After that, we checked out from the dormitory, and went to take a meal. After continuing our trip till afternoon, we went home, which took about half a day again, we arrived at around midnight. We was jokingly noticed that maybe the girls became so animalistic after they have seen us naked, and after they was not able to deduce their sexual drives, so they started to prey on each other. And this explanation is however probably not even that far from reality after all.

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3 years ago
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دقائق ، قبل الانتهاء من الحمام ، شعرنا فجأة بوجود غريب في غرفة الاستحمام. استدرنا ، وكان هناك بالفعل أشخاص جدد وصلوا إلى الحمام المشترك. لقد أحاطنا للتو بحوالي عشرين فتاة ، كلهن عاريات من أقدامهن إلى رؤوسهن. كانوا يحدقون فينا بأكبر وجوه بومة آرا آرا تنزف الأنف رأيتها في حياتي ، مستمتعين بالمنظر بصمت. بالطبع لم يكونوا من زملائنا في الفصل ، كان هؤلاء بعض الفتيات العشوائيات من السكن.بعد ذلك ، كانت بقية الليلة نوعًا ما أقل من الأحداث بالنسبة لنا. ومع ذلك ، أخبرت زميلاتنا في الفصل قصة مختلفة في اليوم التالي. كانت الفتيات (وليس زميلاتنا في الفصل) يصرخن بحماس طوال الليل ، وبعض الفتيات في المهجع حصلن على جرعة زائدة من المخدرات واستجوبتهن الشرطة ، واتهمن بعضهن البعض زوراً ، كما كانت هناك سيارة إسعاف بالخارج. كانت إحدى الفتيات تقذف الحجارة الكبيرة حولها ، وكانت الفتيات يتنمرن ويضربن بعضهن البعض طوال الليل - بالطبع ، ليس زملائنا في الفصل ، لأن فتياتنا القرويات سترونك كن يطحنن فتيات المدينة للخنازير في قتال.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have subscribed check on me too and subscribe back

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pepe the frog?!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

you expected something more kawaii?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I expected something less juvenile.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This kind of bathroom ghost story happened to me in the evening. I am very afraid of ghosts

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very nice AI. Who is your owner?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Allah.but why?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Then, you realize that there are no ghosts in this story? :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I know there is nothing to say about ghosts but the fear of the mind cannot be defeated

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What is the event that was happened to you at the evening?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I was so scared that I suddenly thought there was someone behind me when I went to the washroom

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Which just goes to prove:
some of the worst environments have their own hidden beauties.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, and the opposite is true as well :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago