Some Beautiful things can only Grow from Rain.

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2 years ago

No one enjoys difficult and painful seasons. Perhaps some of you are asking God why he allows the pains and difficulties. We always look for a better days everday but life is hard sometimes. You have to take the bad with the good, to fight some bad days to earn the best days of your life.

Yes, it's not always easy but that's life, just be strong. If you failed, get up and try again. You just need to learn, grow and focus on the greatness rather than the failure. Don't blame yourself and forgive yourself for all the bad decisions you've made. It' s just that sometimes life can be a bit messy but just keep going.

"There is a time for everthing and everything will fall into where it is. It maybe rainy today, but i'm always believing that a beautiful and a better days will come when the Lord says, Its time. Some beautiful things can only grow from rain.

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