Death of Love

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1 year ago
Topics: Love, Reality, Story
Article no.1
Published by: @Deathoff 
Topic:Love Story

Hi Readers! How are you? Are you doing well.

Not everyone in this world is hungry for love, not just someone they want to talk to and be happy with, they don't really love them. He wants to be with them only and be always happy with them, sometimes pressuring them and sometimes not listening to them, pretending to love them and somehow keep them with him. I think this is the only goal of every human being. But it is not like that, love is still alive today. People just don't love in such a way that we want another person more than our own life.Actually, love is the name of the same thing. In love, breathing becomes one, living and dying as one, sleeping, waking up as one, eating and drinking as one, getting up and sitting, crying, laughing, running, walking if love with hearts.

The real meaning of love is feeling, caring and dedication.These are the three things that always keep love alive. I will tell you about them in detail but first hear why love dies. What is the reason for the death of love nowadays we use it only for sex but it can happen to anyone from mother to brother to your begum to your friend to any person if you appreciate it. Then we can express love and burn it, and keeping love alive means that we value someone, the more you value, the longer the love will last. And when we stop valuing someone, love has no value. What I have told you is the real truth, to value someone means to make him feel that we are alive for him, we are with him in every trouble, in every joy, in every moment.

Love Feelings

Love is also known as feelings. Love has many feelings. When loved, feelings are amplified. As they get closer, their feelings are amplified. When a person expresses his feelings in a way that makes the other person feel good, love is amplified. Feelings are the basis of love. So what it really means is that we should worry about the next one, give her time, talk with her, join her in the happiness of her village, keep her always happy, when she starts crying, when we do her or with her. Started crying for some time. If we stay in touch with our lover, then we also start to feel with them. Being together always means that we hold hands with them and make them feel that we want them, listen to them, consider them, then act on them, this is the feeling. I know that The more I am right with someone today, the more he will be right with me.

Then as we gradually become free with each other, the sight of their grave becomes less visible, causing the feelings to fade away. End of feeling means death of love. When we start hating each other, we can't even be with him, we don't feel anything. Before we knew that he can't be with us, we can't live without him, but when the feeling is gone. If the value ends, if it goes to the self, then love will die somewhere.

Caring Love

The most important thing is to take care of someone who loves you dearly and will take care of you. We always make sure of one thing that if we see someone, he will also care for us with utmost loyalty, like those who are afflicted with his sorrow, join him in his happiness and give happiness. Making his worry not a worry but a blessing.

Love doesn't stop when we stop caring about it. Care enhances the feelings of the loved one but what is it when care is not taken care of if it can't do anything for me then love is dead.


I think that every human being has the urge of love, every human being can do it. Loving is not a difficult thing, we just have to make a thought for it and act on it to love the other person so passionately that he/she is yours and loves you forever. Then this dedication has to be kept together forever, the dedication is rooted, meaning the heart is rooted. In dedication, human emotions are seen, the more dedication, the deeper the emotions, in emotions, our feelings are born and in feelings, we worry. Let your heart always be open so that anyone has the same devotion in your heart.

When devotion ends, love begins to die, love begins to die very painfully. When love dies, life ends.

Ending thought

Try to sacrifice everything for love because love is the only thing that gives you comfort. I can say that because I've fallen in love now I'm so strong in love that no one can break me I know I'll be able to support my lover forever. You should also try and find someone for love now just as soon as you start loving you will start feeling good and the more satisfied you are in love the better you will get the result. Not to end is not to kill with it but to increase it. Let this message to the whole worldI have been saying that increase the love and end the same with it

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1 year ago
Topics: Love, Reality, Story
