The mind is a set or a part of the body where various activities take place. What we become mostly depends on the mind as it is what goes into the mind that makes us who we are, thereby making the mind an essential organ or part of the body.
Resources say, the mind refers to the part of a person that enables them to think, feel emotions , and also be aware of things.
The entire body runs or takes actions based on what information the mind "sends" to them and as such we have to be really careful with what we fill or feed our minds with.
In life , we sometimes meet a whole lot of people at various walks of life with different attitudes and manners altogether. Some are just those who like blowing their own trumpets and as such they have this feeling that they are supreme or superior to us and in most cases they want to show us that they are worthy. Being privileged a bit makes them grow "rubber-horns" and as such do not make or see their friends who are less privileged to be profitable.
When you are not fortunate enough and you find yourself around such people , sometimes if care is not taken , the influences around; their beautiful dresses, sweet - scented foods and as well as other eye pleasing things will lead you into a life that you will regret it.
I have seen a whole lot of people whom because of such pressure they have to borrow stuff from others just to appear wealthy before her friends meanwhile from the wig on her head to the shoes on her foot are all borrowed.
This pressure sometimes causes them to engage in social vices just to look posh but is that necessary? No, it is not . We have no one to dictate for us as to how we should live our life and we owe no one an explanation as to why we are not wealthy when we don't show "false identity" since no one chose the world, family or country he would love to appear at or in.
People who don't realise that brings a great sense of disgrace upon themselves when they are caught or seen with such attitudes. Some steal, "sleep with men" , and others work really hard at places no one will see them but instead of using the money they get to help themselves they use it to flirt.
These are all because they feel their minds with bad information due to the pressure around and in return cause their body to act according to their thoughts of which their body later suffer for it.
For me, these practices by people just to keep themselves to a certain standard of which they are not is not necessary if only we know our worth. Knowing your worth is supposed to be one of the best and most relevant information one must have.
People sometimes do not know that upon all that they are going through or upon all the rich people he or she lives amongst of which they have everything in abundance as compared to theirs , there are somethings that they also have though less privileged that the rich do not have . Due to the lack of such thoughts they get easily get blown away by the words of those who are supposedly rich but that shouldn't be it.
For all people in this world, they is basically one thing or two that one person is good at and that is his or her worth; that is his/her importance and when it comes to that among your friends you are the champion and with such a mindset where we know our worth , we can't be influenced easily by such friends
We shouldn't always let people decide for us because we are less privileged in life , so shouldn't we let the "pressure" or influences around push us into doing something that we will later regret it.
Such influences just make us worthless when we follow them and it looks like we have no aim . Stand for what you have and be proud of it, don't let pressure or what other people decide for you since not all that glitters is gold and sometimes even those that we think are better sometimes , suffer to get what we see them with.
For the best version of yourself to occur or show in this life, there is the need for you to know your worth, find your capabilities and develop on it as well as try to get hold of some of your inabilities because in actual sense , these are the only good ways of getting the luxurious life you want to have where false identity do not add up.
If you also decide not to follow these but let the pressure drive you then I am afraid but it is your own cup of tea and you will drink it either cold or hot.
Thank you all for your time, it's Dangerous_Fly once again, Bring It On!!!.
Yeah, you are right. Self believe is the most Important thing in our life. If we want to do anything better, at first we need believe in ourself. Without self believing we can't do anything. Your article shows the real impact of self beleving. Thank you for sharing us your article