Smart phones explained by a crypto enthusiast

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The introduction of smart phones have revolutionized the use of computer to a point that can be viewed as the peak. With more and more upgrades and ideas coming up to improve the efficiency of our most loved gadgets, we should be hoping for a futuristic device soon, right?

Our Smart phones can be likened to an extension of our body.

Those are my cousins words to me almost Everytime we have a conversation,I absolutely support him because truly we can hardly do without our Smartphones. Both gen z and millennials have a very strong addiction and obsession to these gadgets and could even turn violent when something goes wrong with their phones.

We're already cyborgs. Your phone and your computer are extensions of you, but the interface is through finger movements or speech, which are very slow.

Those were Elon musk's words during an interview.

But how much do you depend on your phone.

As a Normal user like those very few people that mainly or only use their smartphones to make calls, text their friends and family and lastly make use of Google. They no nothing about other features and just acre about making contacts with others through their phones. Or possibly sometimes play Mobile games on it. I believe this was me few years ago, unaware about the potential that this devices hold. Although limited.

As a person involved with cryptocurrency, phones are a top priority. You need them you just have to make use of them.

I stated earlier that the performance of this devices are limited and not do a good or satisfactory Job especially when you are involved in any Business. Working with cryptocurrency is time consuming and needs a very active and efficient device in most cases. one which a smart phone can't be helpful. Merely working on and on my smartphone takes a lot of time. Using a laptop for the same work would save me about 80% of the time I spent using a smart phone. And also because my phone is an heavily damaged $105 low budget smartphone.

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One of the problems that one can have with this phones is their variety. There are just so much to choose from, one of the product might be more expensive or probably newly released and yet lack some properties that the previous or lesser priced device had which are very suitable for what you need it for.

My conclusion, smart phones are expensive, and flashy. But do not meet up to the standard needed for a business. Although they are equally important for the promotion of businesses. I believe a better development on smartphones would increase greatly how we view our businesses and the zeal put into them.

The good news is Elon musk has decided to make major upgrades to smartphones with the needs of crypto investors put in mind. Elon musk Tesla company has gone into the verse of smart phones that is said would be able to self charge using solar energy and also mine coins. Although his main purpose for building this device is for his future voyage to mars, so let's hope we get to see the Tesla pi phone soon.

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