- Full-Text Search and Added Project - 5/15/2022

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Avatar for Borracho_mejor
1 year ago

Happy Sunday!

I spent the weekend working on improving the searching functionality on It will now perform full-text searches on most fields such as name, description, my two sats, audits, quoted description, helpful links, social networks, and type.

Maybe you want to search for all projects with an audit specifically from CertiK:

Or maybe you want to see all projects Webeli is affiliated with:

Or maybe even any projects with links to their documentation:

One more addition I added was a loading modal for when searching projects. The search itself is very quick, but retrieving the projects from the database can be a little intensive with multiple results, so a loading modal was needed to notify the user that the search is in progress.

Finally, I've also added one additional project to the site, Thetanuts Finance. Thetanuts was mentioned in the SmartBCH Tokens & NFTs Telegram by Jacob Stelter with It appears to be a popular options protocol platform across multiple DeFi chains. They have several audits but their smart contracts are closed-source. I gave them a DYOR badge since I am not familiar with them personally, and also because options trading can be extremely confusing. Check them out and do some research before investing.

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Avatar for Borracho_mejor
1 year ago
