Failure is a good teacher

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First Of all Good luck everyone with their future❤️ thing I hear over-and-over again from people is that they’re afraid to fail. They’re afraid of what others will think about them if they fumble towards their goals. They’re afraid to endure the pain of falling short: and so, they make fears their reality. Little do they know that failure is the best teacher.

They stop short of realizing their goals or, worse, they don’t take action in the first place. I certainly have feared failure. And my fear has paralyzed me at times. If you’ve experienced this, you know how much it sucks. But failure should teach us, instead of paralyze us.



Everyday Power > Articles About Motivation > Why Failure is the Best Teacher of Them All

Why Failure is the Best Teacher of Them All


 Dr. Kate Siner

September 3, 2020 7:40 AM EST | 3 min read

One thing I hear over-and-over again from people is that they’re afraid to fail. They’re afraid of what others will think about them if they fumble towards their goals. They’re afraid to endure the pain of falling short: and so, they make fears their reality. Little do they know that failure is the best teacher.

They stop short of realizing their goals or, worse, they don’t take action in the first place. I certainly have feared failure. And my fear has paralyzed me at times. If you’ve experienced this, you know how much it sucks. But failure should teach us, instead of paralyze us.

Sometimes fear of failure is rooted in perfectionist tendencies. At their core, perfectionists never feel good enough. When they realize they’ve made a mistake, it’s enough to take them down a spiral of self-criticism shame. Often times, this stops perfectionists from doing anything at all.

A perfectionist streak can hurt your health, career, and relationships. This is because it exacerbates your fears of failure so much so, that you don’t reach for your goals at all. Compounding this is the internal judgment and negative dialog that are a part of the perfectionist’s tool box. What can help in such situations is grasping the concept that, failure can teach you more about life than constant success.

If you relate to this description of a perfectionist, there’s hope! You can change your perfectionist tendencies by embracing your limitations and failures. This isn’t an easy thing to do. It takes ongoing patience, but it can be learned.

Good luck everyone for their future ❤️

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