What kind of woman would do that?

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2 years ago
Topics: Mother

Published on: October 27, 2021

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It's been a long, tiring and worrying day again, I guess. Don't you think so? Yeah I can hear you groaning, So just to breath a little, I'll have to postpone my supposed article for today (yesterday's pending work) and write something that doesn't have to do anything about those stuffs you hear and read especially if you are on SmartBCH, investing, Fud-ing and being cautious, now.

For I have a life, yes life away from my mobile device's screen, away from social medias, from writing and making nonsense noises (sometimes) or browsing and watching movies, I do spend some of my time away from those stressful stuffs (Lol) and dedicate it to doing and tending to house chores which is absolutely a given responsibility to me and to most of my fellow daughters out there.

Today, my auntie ask for a hand. She can't handle all her children's modules so she ended up asking for my help to finish those stuffs. Yup, that's why I had to take a break and grant her little request. I understand and emphasize with her struggles; having a baby and two little pals while her husband's away working to provide for them. Ah, Am I good now? Phew, plus points in heaven. Hahaha.

There were really plenty of she-ets to answer and there was a task that demands for a short narrative about a mother. There start my Auntie's story about her husband's auntie. (Yes. This article is full of aunties)

Let me name that auntie "Winnie". Winnie is a faithful wife. Blessed with 3 beautiful and handsome sons and daughters, she was sure lucky. Apart from that, her husband is committed and faithful to her. Although, living a simple life, she didn't wish to have more because her family was indeed enough...

Tho, good days do have bad endings. She then discovered her husband was cheating. She was devastated and heartbroken upon knowing the truth that he did it again. Yes, he has done it before but promised he'll never repeat the same shameful act. Yet, he never kept his words. Yes, she loves her husband, her family. She thought that she needed to keep her family intact even if it'll cause her heart being tear apart repeatedly.

She chose to forgive him but their marriage never been the same again. She came up with the thought of separation before he could demand for it. He did it again. He cheated. And, she could no longer tolerate it. She thought it was the best thing to do, a separation. Because having him around wasn't healthy at all. He wasn't a good nor responsible father to start with. So why keep him?

The first years of being a single mom of three was sure as hell tough for her and her kids. Receiving nil financial support from her husband was indeed another burden. She couldn't demand for it because she knew he doesn't have a job either. And surely if he had, he won't spare a penny.

To cut this story shorter, that struggle (financial problem) pushed her to work in Manila then later received an offer to work abroad. It was the hardest decision she has ever made but she had no choice. It was one step she saw to giving her children a better life. Her children were left to her parent's care and she would call them when she got the chance. She would always express her love despite the distance and would remind them why she went out of the country was to secure their future and mothers would surely do anything to give their children the opportunity of a best future. And how lucky was she that all of them understood? That instead of keeping grudge against her for her long time absence, her children all strive to study hard.

All her sacrifices paid off when her oldest son graduated as an Architect, her second born is striving to become an accountant and the youngest is all set to doing her best to achieve her dream of becoming an Engineer.

Imagine Winnie's happiness? I can't describe it. How proud was she? To herself and to her beloved children? She sacrificed years of being away from them but all are worth it now. Seeing your children happily reaching their dreams and that was partly because of your doing would make your heart swell with proud and fulfillment. What kind of woman would do that? Basically, a mother. A mother's unconditional love.

Thanks for reading!

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2 years ago
Topics: Mother


Here in my country, due to the economic situation we are facing, Winnie's story is repeated all too often. It is the sacrifice of love that a single mother makes to be able to give quality of life to her children. Interesting content, food for thought. Best regards.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A mother would definitely do anything to give a better future for her children.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I love what she did. Its a struggle worth fighting for, not with the hubby of course, working for the children.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mother's love is priceless! A mother has the greatest and pure love. That's why, no matter what happens, from the very beginning of being a mother to being old, we should give back, the love, support, care that a mother gave to his children. I believe that a mother will do everything, sacrifice just ro give her children a better life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

She had done enough. Nothing can be compared with her sacrifice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mother's love cannot be compared to anyone else's love. A mother can love a child the most.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The love of a mother is irreplaceable!

$ 0.00
2 years ago